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Some pointers to become a good leader


1)  good human relations
2)  looking after your staff
3)  give your personal touch
4)  concentrate on people
5)  be friendly
6)  don't forget people's names
7)  never run down an idea
8)  don't boss around
9)  it takes courage to be a good boss
10) give chances - they're stuck also sometimes
11) share responsibility
12) encourage initiative
13) always remember - action speaks louder than words
14) cocksure and dogmatic
15) trust is essential
16) distrust breeds distrust
17) is your staff working FOR you or WITH you?
18) consulting others
19) don't be impulsive
20) be consistent - inconsistency creates bad feelings
21) force does not work
22) think over any action
23) make yourself clear
24) incentives

"examine what is said, not him who speaks"
- Arab Proverb

"anyone can become angry - that is easy.  but, to be
angry at the right person, to the right degree, at the
right time, for the right purpose and in the right way
- this, is not easy" - Aristotle