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Quote of Love

Food of Thought II

        You come to love not by finding the perfect person,
        but by loving a person perfectly.....


        When looking for love, don't look too far
        The one who loves you, 
        is always the one who's nearest to you.
        They love you too much to want to leave you alone....


        When love was not returned when you gave it out...
        Do not despair...
        Feel happy that you've loved, be happy to let it go..
        If the love is meant to stay, 
        it will come back to you again someday...


        Fate determines who comes into our lives.
        The heart determines who stays...
        Love brings two hearts together
        Trust keeps it going all the way.....


        When I was just a little girl, 
        I asked my mother what will I be...
        Will I be pretty, will I be rich, 
        here's what she said to me: 
        "Que sara sara... whatever will be, will be... 
        The truth is not ours to see.. Que sara sara."


        We always aspire to be someone else, except to be ourselves.
        Why would you want to be a duplicate of someone else,
        when you can be the one & only in this world?
        (PQ: I think this is very true... 
        esp for those who are never contented
        with himself/herself)


        Be careful of what you dream...
        It might come true one day.


        What you see in others... is in you too


        To run away from a problem is actually to run towards it.
        Open up your heart to accept it, and it will run
        away from you...they hate that.


        To the world, you may be one person...
        But to one person, you may be the WORLD.

        When something doesn't break you...
        for your guys & gals..lyris

        It will make it stronger....


        If you want to be happy...
        Nobody can stop you.


        It takes 3 second to say the word "I Love You",
        3 minutes to explain it,
        3 hours to demonstrate it,
        3 days to appreciate it,
        3 trimesters to produce it....
        but a LIFETIME to prove it!


        When you love, it's not for you to be understood,
        but for you to understand;
        but for you to be taken;

        Not for you to listen,
        but not for you to dictate;

        For you to sacrifice,
        & not for you to demand;
        Not for you to count or measure,
        but for you to LOVE.


        Never wait too long 
        to tell the one you love how you feel...
        You never know how soon they will be gone..


        In order for another person to love you,
        you must first learn to love yourself.
        Others could only accept you,
        when you've accepted yourself.