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  1. "Access Networks: Technology and V5 interfacing", Alex Gillespie, Artech  House, London

  2.  Understanding Telecommunications", Erricsson AB, Telia AB, Studentlitteratur AB

  3.  "Telecommunications Network Engineering", Tarmo Anttalainen, Artech House, London

  4.  "Telecomm Report International", Siemens Telecommunications, Vol. 18, April 95

  5. International Telecommunications Union, Technical References

  6. ADSL forum, Technical Report

  7.  "DSL Source Book", Paradyne

  8. "Winning the race/DSLs", Greg Quiggle and Toni Grigoropoulos, Outside Plant, October 1997 issue

  9.  "Synchronous Transmission Systems", Nortel Limited, London

  10. "An End to the World Wide Wait: Editorial" by Debra Cameron, Internet & Intranet business and technology report, Computer Technology research Corp.

