Anime Speed Bump is a proud member of the AnimFan Network Webring.
And I encourage you, my fellow citzens of the world wide web, to join
in my happiness, by becoming the next member of the AFNW.
You may be inclined to ask yourself "why should I join this
webring?". But that is hardly the question, indeed, the question you
should be asking yourself is: "Why shouldn't I?".
The truth is, I'm a honest guy, and this is a honest webring (it's
not my webring, but that doesn't mean it can't be honest). The owner
and members of this ring do not rely on borrowed marketing slogans
and failed attempts at huomor to incerease it's popularity for their
own benefit. Nay, we'd rather stand above the ocean of sleazy
salesmen and unloyal participants. When we come face to face with
the corrupt evil of the internet webring fad do we turn away?,
CERTAINLY NOT. We face that danger head on, because we
are not afraid to be different. We are different, and I challenge
you, ladies and gentelmen, to join us, in our quest of differentness.
AnimFan Network Webring. "When you're here, you're family."