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Level 1 Heightened Senses: Doubling your clarity and range of sight, hearing and smell. Your senses become more acute, for example: You can taste what liquor a human drank from the vitae you drink from them.

Level 2 Aura Perception: You can perceive auras of human and supernatural both. The colors of ones aura change on the intensity of their mood, such as the Kindred having pale yet intense coloring, a Mage's often flare and crackle with power, a Werebeast's is strikingly bright almost frantic, a Ghost has weak and fading colors, a Faerie have radiance intermixed with rainbowed hues of colors.

Aura Illuminance
Orange= Afraid
Purple = Aggressive
Red = Anger
Brown= Bitter
Light Blue = Calm
Pink = Compassionate
Lavender = Conservative
Gray = Depressed
Deep Red = Lustful or Desirous
Light Green = Distrustful
Dark Green = Envious
Violet - Excited
Rose - Generous
Vermilion - Happy
Black - Hateful
Yellow - Idealistic
White - Innocence
Blue - Lovestruck
Green - Obsessed
Silver - Sad
Gold - Spiritual Dark Blue - Suspicious
Mottled, Shifting colors - Confused
Black veins in aura - Diablerist
Sharp Flickering olors - Daydreaming
Rapidly Rippling colors - Frenzied
Hypnotic Swirling colors - Psychotic

Level 3 The Spirit's Touch: Determining things of someone by touching and handling the object last held by them. You don't get a complete picture, just sharp images When using this Discipline, you must go into a light trance that is easily broken by jarring noises and such. You can glean information of who handled the object, their standing (ie: vampire, werebeast, and so forth).

Level 4 Telepathy: Projecting a portion of your consciousness into another mind, creating a link to listen to their thoughts. Not talking to them. Just gleaning information of the one you link to.

Level 5 Psychic Projection: Projecting your own senses into your Astral Plane. Moving with blinding speed your Astral Plane cannot be harmed by physical damage or fatigue. However, your physical body is placed in a state of torpor that you are unaware of if trouble arises toward it. In this state, you can travel anywhere, including other planes, underground so forth.
