Retrieve Plans from Fort Riverstride
King Eldrich says:
Welcome. I understand you've been appointed Lords of Harmondale by that idiot Markham. You know, I WILL restore Avlee's rule over Harmondale -- the only question is whether you are with me, or against me.
If you're with me, I will ensure that you retain your post. Against me, and I will have done with you once my armies occupy your lands.
[King Parson smiles affably] So, of course you're with me!
You just need to prove it. Like a famous leader once said? Trust, but verify! Words to live by. What I want right now is the plans to Fort Riverstride.
It's a huge fort that stands between your lands and Erathia proper. You can't miss the thing. Sneak in there and get me those plans. If you can do this, I will be in your debt.
Not only that, there's a substantial gold reward as well. If the plans are to be any use to me at all, though, I need them delivered to me within a month.