Retrieve a Dragon Egg (Warlock Promotion)
Tor Anwyn says:
Becoming a Warlock for some is a simple process, and for others it is nearly impossible. You need to find a familiar suited to your personality.
The familiar will help to focus your magical abilities and sharpen your concentration. Sometimes a single familiar can be shared, other times not.
The magical effects will not be noticed by anyone but a Great Druid -- someone who is already attuned to nature. Now, let me see what kind of familiar you will need…
[Tor picks up an elaborately carved gem and peers at you through it. He frowns. Hmm. Well, the good news is that you all need the same familiar, and when you find it, you will be very powerful.
The bad news is that you need to find a dragon familiar.
You must find a dragon egg. Bring them back here and I will hatch it, and cast the familiar spell.
The baby dragon will imprint to you all, and you to it. You may be able to find an egg in a dragon cave in the Land of the Giants. 'Ware the mother, though.