The Shoals
You will be confronted with Sea Monsters.
This Region will respawn/refill at least every 6 months.
Certain events may trigger an earlier respawn/refill, but the effects might not be seen for 7 days.
Additional refills may be related to timed events.
Please tell us if you think you know one of these above events.
Subsequent respawns will likely bring more and/or tougher Monsters.
This Region requires a Perception value of 2 in order to see hidden features.hss$
Your party's Perception value is determined by the highest-rated single character and is equal to the Skill level times the Rank multiplier, then added to any Skill level boosts provided by NPCs or enchantments.
The base Stealing value is 0.
A character's Stealing value is equal to the Skill level times the Rank multiplier, then added to any Skill level boosts provided by NPCs or enchantments.
Successful thefts will decrease your Reputation.
Unsuccessful thefts will decrease it more.
A lower Reputation makes it more difficult to Steal in the future.
The creature's or shop's level and the value of the Item also effect your success at Stealing.
Randomly generated Treasure will be of low quality.