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Questions on Britney

#1-How old was Britney when she first auditiones for the Mickey Mouse Club?A.13 B.5 or C.8
#2-What is Britney's middle name?A.Alice B.Yvonne or C.Jean
#3-What is Britney's favorite football team?A.Atlanta Falcons B.Washington Red Skins or C.Miami Dolphins
#4-What musical instrument does Britney play?A.Piano B.Xylophone or C.Guitar
#5-If Britney could be anyone who would it be?A.The Queen of England B.Meg Ryan or C.Jennifer Aniston
#6-Which girl group did Brit audition for before making it big as a solo artist? A.Innosense B.The Spice Girls or C.TLC
#7-Which are Britney's 2 worst school subjects? A.Math and English B.history and Gym or C.Geometry and Spanish
#8-What does Britney have to say about 'N Sync's Justin Timberlake? A.We are really good friends B.Who? or C.He's my boyfriend
