Bookstall. Cardigan Guildhall Market.

We have had a stall in Cardigan Guildhall Market for more than ten years and would like to thank thousands of you who have been our clients. There have been changes in the market and this seems to be causing confusion and complaints to us so some explanation is needed.

In October 1997 we moved stalls to the place across the aisle which is larger and use this stall to sell mainly second hand paperbacks.

The stall is closed for the winter season and will re open for Easter.

A couple who have worked for us casually in the past have opened up a stall in our original place selling books.

This stall was opened intentionally whilst we were on holiday. We were not advised or consulted about it.

We have no connection whatsoever with this stall or its stock or its prices and did not sell or transfer any element of our business to the new stallholders.

More info will be put on this site regarding our bookstall, come back when the season opens.

Stall is now open for the summer season. Daily except Sundays and Wednesdays 10.00am to 4.00pm.

We have mostly paperbacks with a maximum price of 90p. Mills and Boon romance etc. are 15p each or 7 for £1.

The Market seems to have deteriorated substantially in the last year. The only reason we continue our presence there is to redirect our regular annual visitors to the SHOP

STOP PRESS, November 1999.

The competition has now given up the stall due to poor turnover. We will now be revamping our bookselling in the hope of bringing back the reputation of the market as a place to buy books.

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