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My Awards

I have managed to win a few awards so far, mostly for my story "Crossroads". I think winning these were really cool, and I won't deny it, it certainly brought a smile to my face! Plus I love them cause they add a bit of colour and graphics to my site, and you can never have too much of Nick or BSB so I love them even more!

This was the first award I ever got which makes it pretty special....awwwww. Anyway Torie gave me this award and her site 'Backstreet Stories' is one of the best when it comes to fan fiction. She is a really great writer and I suggest you go check out her site cause it has tons of stories. The ones written by her are excellent, and the fact she's a fellow Nick lover makes it even better!

Carley gave me this award cause she thought my story 'Crossroads' was pretty good (d'uh). As a fellow writer I think her stories are great as well, and she's got a cool web site which I recommend you all check out.

I received this award from Katie who also runs her own website of BSB fan fiction. I recommend her work as well, as it's good (gotta come up with more original words) and very creative. Once again go check her site out.

I almost died when I saw this award, it is so cool, I love that particular part in I want it that way, and I love the award. This was from the Backstreet Girls, and they're just about my favourite people at the moment for thinking my stories are worthy of an award!