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Chapter Thirteen

The month had gone quickly, with Natalie anticipating Nick's return any day. His absence had been sprinkled with phone calls, asking how she was and general conversations, like they always had when Nick was at home. She almost felt nervous about seeing him again.

Sarah had proved to be very supportive. She had given Natalie advice and encouragement, finally giving Natalie the courage to try and do something about her feelings. Natalie still felt sick at the thought of confessing her attraction to Nick, but she knew deep down she had to do it.


"Natalie?" A staticcy voice could be heard to make out.

"Speaking" Natalie responded quizzically.

"It's... Ni...." the voice saiud, being cut off every now and then.


"Yeah it's me" Nick said, the quality of the reception becoming better. "Sorry we were going through a tunnel. Anyway we're coming home a day early and we'r heading for the airport now. Can you still pick me up?"

Natalie searched her brain, before mentally cursing the fact she had a major final to sit and she couldn't miss it. "No I can't, I've got something I have to do tomorrow morning."

"Oh we have a problem then" Nick said slowly.

Natalie paused to think for awhile before an idea struck her. "I'll call Sarah and ask her to come get you."

"If you could I'd really appreciate it. Just as long as someone comes to get me" Nick replied with a laugh.

"Alright just give me the time and stuff and I'll tell her" Natalie ordered, before taking down the details on a piece of paper she'd found on the floor. "Okay Nick, I guess I'll see you soon then."

"Yeah I can't wait to get home. I've been holding something in and I've been dying to tell you."

Natalie grinned and raised her eyebrow. "You have?"

"Yeah, but I'll just surprise you when I see you tomorrow."

"Fine, see you later Nick."

Natalie hung up with a huge grin on her face, excited by what Nick had to tell her.


Sarah quickly swerved her car into a parking space and broke into a quick jog, knowing Nick would've probably landed already. Looking down at the details she had, she found the gate and sleepily took a seat on a plastic chair, being tired from a casting she'd had the day before. She toyed with her cell phone, ready to do as Natalie had instructed and call her as soon as she'd picked Nick up.

After ten minutes, several people began pouring out of the arrival gates and Sarah began to scan the crowd for any sign of Nick. She watched a few management staff she recognised make their way out, and broke into a smile when she saw Howie and AJ walk out dragging their suitcases behind them.

"Howie! AJ!" Sarah called, as she ran up to them and gave the, both a welcoming hug.

"Sarah, did you grow?" AJ said critically.

"I hate to break it to you AJ, but I've always been taller than you" Sarah grinned.

"Ouch" AJ said, pretending to look hurt. "So what are you doing here? Did you miss Nick already?"

"Ughh, hardly. Nat couldn't pick him up cause she had a test, so I came instead."

"Did you take your car or Nick's Corvette?" Howie asked.

"Mine, why?" Sarah said a little puzzled.

"Nick sorta brought a souvenir home" AJ piped up, putting on a face.

"Like what?"

"You'll see" Howie replied.

Sarah was well in truly confused by what the two had said when she heard a voice call her name. "SARAH!"

She smiled at hearing the slight whine to Nick's voice and whirled around, getting ready to greet him. Her mouth fell open in shock as soon as she discovered what AJ had said about a 'souvenir'. Nick made his way over to her, his arm draped around a blonde girl Sarah had never seen before in her life. She turned her head to Howie and AJ who were behind her waiting for Brian and Kevin.

"That's his souvenir" Sarah hissed.

Howie and AJ nodded. "Yup."

"Oh shit" Sarah muttered to herself, as she suddenly remembered Natalie, who was beyond excited at Nick's supposed surprise. Something told her a new girl was the furthest thing from her mind.

"Sarah.." Nick said, forcing her to have to turn to face him.

"Nick, hi" she greeted with a smile before being scooped up in a big bear hug.

"Glad you came to get me instead of getting me back and leaving me here."

"I wouldn't do that" Sarah joked, giving an uneasy laugh. She looked over at the mystery girl, hoping Nick would get the hint.

"Oh yeah" Nick said, suddenly understanding what Sarah wanted. "Ser, this is Cassie."

"Hi" Cassie giggled, leaving Sarah to wonder if she was for real with the attitude.

"Hi, how are you?" Sarah asked with a look of disbelief both at Nick and the girl.

"I'm great, but then I'm always great near Nick."

"Uh-huh" Sarah said, feeling the need to puke at her excessive sweetness. They all stood in silence before Brian interrupted to ask Nick something, leaving Sarah alone with Cassie. She tried to make an attempt at saying something but Cassie seemed more interested in her nails. She excused herself to make a phone call which she was dreading, hoping Natalie wouldn't be too upset.


"Home sweet home" Nick smiled as Sarah pulled into the driveway.

Sarah quickly surveyed the property to see if Natalie was anywhere in sight. She couldn't see anything and began to worry about the sudden shock seeing Cassie and Nick together may cause to Natalie. She turned off the ignition and followed Nick to the front door, who was having difficulty opening the door because Cassie was all over him.

They finally got into the house and Nick dumped his bags and took Cassie on a guided tour while Sarah hung back on the porch to try and call Natalie, who was still unerachable. The drive home had proved to interesting, as Sarah found out how Nick had met Cassie. It turned out Cassie was an up and coming actress whose father was one of the promotional directors for Jive. She had been visiting her father, while the boys were on the promo tour, allowing Nick a whole month to being falling for her. Apparently her father lived in Florida, while her mother lived in New York, allowing Cassie the opprotunity to travel back and forth. Instead of staying in New York, she had decided to prolong her stay with her father so she could return with Nick. From what Sarah had observed, Nick had been completely taken by Cassie and the two had become inseperable towards the end of the tour. Sarah felt her stomach fall as she watched them, knowing Natalie was in for alot more heartache than she had planned.


Natalie parked alongside Sarah's familiar looking Jeep and grabbed her books, becoming more excited at seeing Nick. She let herself in, dropped her bag in the hallway beside Nick's suitcase and followed the sound of voices, her heart pounding and her pulse racing. She could make out Sarah's voice and smiled at Nick's laughter, but couldn't figure out the third unfamiliar voice. She assumed it was probably one of Sarah's friends and rushed into the living room to see Nick for the first time after a month.

She gave a big smile before scanning the room and seeing Sarah sitting uncomfortably in an armchair smiling politely, while Nick was sitting beside a new girl her hand intertwined in his. Natalie blinked several times before realising what she was seeing wasn't a dream. Her stomach fell almost immediately, as she struggled to comprehend what she was seeing.

"Natalie!" Nick exclaimed, as he grinned at her and waved. She noticed he had been happy to see her but not enough to properly pull his eyes away from his new companion.

"Nick, hi there. Uhh..welcome back" she struggled to say. Natalie noticed the apologetic looks Sarah was giving her, but tried not to acknowledge them as she felt her eyes start to mist over.

"Nat this is Cassie. She's the one I wanted to tell you about before. Cass this is Nat, my room mate" Nick grinned as he initiated the introductions.

"Oh so she's Nat" Cassie said, without even bothering to acknowledge Natalie with a look or a smile.

"Yeah I'm his room mate" Natalie said, her voice falling as she realised that's all she was, and all she would probably ever be.

Chapter Fourteen
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