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Chapter Twenty Four

"Hold this" Sarah declared as she flung another shirt at Nick.

"Ser" Nick said in a muffled voice.

"What?" Sarah responded as she inspected the dress she was holding.

"I need to scratch" he said sheepishly.

"So scratch" Sarah shrugged.

"I can't exactly do that cause I'm holding all this" Nick responded from behind the pile of clothes he was carrying.

"I'll scratch it then" Sarah replied.

"You probably won't want to do that when you find out where it is" Nick said.

"Oh gross Nick, I'm visualising!" Sarah exclaimed pulling a face. "Here put it down and do what you have to do."

Sarah turned her back and waited for Nick to finish. "Are you done?"

"Yeah" Nick replied. "So are we almost finished?"

"Nope,I told you I was going shopping but you're the one that wanted to come" Sarah remarked with a smile.

"That's cause I needed to talk to you" Nick said.

"You haven't even said a word since we got here, except for your continuous whining" Sarah pointed out.

"That's because I've been your human shopping cart for the past three hours. You haven't stopped once" Nick remarked. "Did your wardrobe catch on fire or something?"

"So I love clothes? Got a problem with that?" Sarah returned, causing Nick to back down considerably. "Besides you should feel happy to know that you've helped me out quite a bit."

"In what way?"

"Well everyone's been so amazed at your presence that there's nobody at the counters lining up to buy anything. And you know how much I hate queues" Sarah smiled happily. "Thanks Nick you do come in handy sometimes."

"Thanks, I guess" Nick said uncertainly. "Actually it's pretty good I didn't really feel like signing autographs and stuff today."

Sarah smirked. "Don't hold your breath, I think the hug group of girls over ther finally got the courage to come over."

"Shit" Nick cursed under his breath. "Ser, help me out here."

"What do I look like? Superman?! I can't stop them all mobbing you" Sarah muttered.

"Sarah, come on, best friends for all the time remember" Nick pleaded.

"Sarah stood on the spot, searching her head for a solution. "Fine, play along."

"Anything" Nick agreed, already stiffening at the sound of the overly excited girls.

"Excuse me" one girl laughed nervously. "Are you Nick Carter?"

Sarah looked at the girls and laughed. "That's the third time he's been asked that today. Sorry girls he's not Nick whatever his name is."

Nick looked at Sarah and raised his eyebrow mouthing "whatever his name is" to himself.

Sarah shrugged. "Sorry."

"He looks so much like Nick" another girl commented.

Nick stood and looked at his shoes, hoping they'd believe Sarah's story. "Nick who?"

"Carter, from the Backstreet Boys" one girl replied.

"That guy?! He's a bit of a girl don't you think?" Sarah remarked, starting to enjoy herself.

Nick shot Sarah a you're-so-dead-later-on-look while Sarah just grinned. "He's just my boyfriend. He doesn't like the comparisons with that whiny guy, I don't see any resemblances at all." She wrapped her ar around Nick's waist, hoping to look more authentic. Nick looked at her wide-eyed, trying not to show his surprise. He gave a nervous laugh, putting his arm stiffly around Sarah. He felt grossed out, it was like cracking onto his sister. Sarah smiled. "Let's go pooky."

Nick followed Sarah's lead, giving the girls a final smile. By the looks on their faces he knew they recognised it was really him walking away but were too shocked to do anything. As soon as they rounded the corner, they both dropped the act, with Sarah cringing at what she'd just done. "Yuck, I feel like I broke some law by doing that with you."

"Tell me about it" Nick said with a roll of his eyes. "Thanks Sarah, that's about a year's worth of hiding I have a girlfriend down the plughole."

"I got you out of there didn't I?" Sarah pointed out. "Besides you may not have to hide it for very long."

"Huh? Have you been inhaling your hairspray again?" Nick said looking confused.

"Nope, come on Nicky" Sarah said, dragging Nick to the nearest cafe she could find. "Let's talk about what you've been dying to blurt out the whole day."

"What?" Nick asked.

"You, Natalie and the massivest crush you've got on her" Sarah grinned knowingly.


"So stupid tell me everything" Sarah grinned, playing with the froth in her cappuccino. Nick looked at her with an embarrassed half smile. "Don't be shy Nick it's only me."

"Um Cassie and I broke up" Nick finally said.

"I see you have your brain back or what little there was of it" Sarah smiled approvingly. "What caused all this?"

"Remember when I fell off the stage?" Nick said before taking a sip of his Mountain Dew.

"Yeah" Sarah laughed before Nick looked at her with a hurt expression. "Alright sorry, yeah I remember."

"Well backstage, when I was coming to, I said Nat's name while Cassie was there playing the ever loving girlfriend" Nick admitted sheepishly.

Sarah's mouth formed into a perfect 'O' of surprise. "That must've missed me at two o'clock in the morning. How come you didn't tell me this then?"

"Cause you said if I didn't shut up and let you sleep you'd make sure I'd never have kids- ever."

"Oooh really" Sarah laughed. "Sorry Nick, but back to this, what happened?"

"Cassie flipped. She was attacking me the while I was still half unconcscious. Then she almost hit Nat but luckily she just walked out in the end" Nick recalled, still thinking it sounded like a scene out of a movie. "So we thought that we should end it there."

"Man I'm bummed I missed that concert" Sarah remarked. "That would've been so cool."

"And you're glad I'm okay, right?" Nick said sarcastically.

"As if that big butt of yours wasn't gonna break your fall" Sarah giggled. "I had no doubt you were going to be fine Nick."

"Your sympathy astounds me Ser" Nick said dryly.

"Okay get over it now. But I wanna know about Nat. Did you finally admit to yourself you liked her?"

Nick hesitated before nodding slowly. "Yeah I do."

"Oh I am so good" Sarah exclaimed. "Brian owes me fifty bucks now."

"Huh?" Nick said looking puzzled.

"We had a bet to see who'd get you to confess first."

"Sorry Sarah but if anybody owes anyone fifty bucks you owe Brian. He got it out of me after my fall" Nick shrugged smugly.

"Damn it" Sarah cursed. "Oh well, so tell me about Nat."

"What? I like her and she has a thing for that Rob guy now. I can't do anything cause I was the one pushing her away before" Nick replied with a sigh. "It's too late."

"No, it's never too late. As much as I like Rob, my loyalty does stay with you" Sarah said. "And as Nat's friend I know her and as much as I've been trying to convince her to forget you ever existed, I know she hasn't completely stopped feelings in your direction."

"Why'd you tell her to forget me?" Nick asked looking confused.

"One, you were too stupid to admit to yourself that you had more than luke-warm feelings for your roommate. And two, she was in agony everytime she saw you with Cassie so I thought it was better she forget you completely. I didn't know whether you were ever gonna wake up to yourself" Sarah replied before taking a sip of her already cold cappuccino.

"But she seems to really like Rob" Nick persisted. "I've never seen her like that."

"That's cause you just opened you eyes Nick. Nat is happy with Rob, but I know she'd be happier with you" Sarah responded matter-of-factly.

"So do you think I have a chance?"

"Are you kidding? Can Michael Jordan play basketball?" Sarah grinned as she hoped that things could finally work out how they should've in the first place.

Chapter Twenty Five
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