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Chapter Seven

"Nirvana, Journey, Whitney, his own...100 Austrian yodels volume five!" Natalie exclaimed as she flipped through the CDs Nick had scattered near the vicinity of the stereo. She looked at it carefully, raising an eyebrow as her eyes scanned down the list. Shrugging to herself, Natalie put it in the CD player, turning it up so she could hear it from her bedroom. Just as she was well and truly thinking she was on some Austrian mountain top, she heard someone banging at the door.

Natalie quickly ran for the door, opening it to see who was urgently knocking. Her eyes were met by a small petite blonde, who looked like she was 16 or 17, giving her a bright smile. Natalie couldn't help but smile back.

"Hi can I help you?"

"Uh-huh" the girl nodded. "Um I'm Edwina, Nick's cousin. I was just wondering if he was home? I was in the area and I thought I'd visit."

Natalie frowned slightly. "Sorry Nick's not here at the moment, but he'll be back soon. I think he went to pick up something at AJ's" Natalie explained apologetically. She took in the girl's downcast face, before having an idea. "You can come in if you like? It'll save you from having to come back later."

"Sure" Edwina exclaimed, almost before Natalie could even finish her sentence. She opened the door wider, noticing Edwina's eyes light up as they got further and further into the house. Natalie directed her to the living room and they both sat down, with Edwina having an ecstatic look on her face.

"So are you on his mom's or his dad's side?" Natalie inquired.

"'s. My mom is his..uh..sister" Edwina responded, seeming as if she was thinking of responses on the spot.

"Oh really? So are you from out of state or do you live around here?"

"Pretty much around here" Edwina nodded.

Natalie smiled. "Do you want something to drink? We've got Mountain Dew cause Nick can't get enough of the stuff and Pepsi cause he likes it too. Hmm come to think of it everything in there is all the stuff he likes" Natalie said, thinking more to herself about the focus on what Nick liked when it came to the fridge.

"Can I get it in a glass?" Edwina asked almost excitedly as she heard Natalie's offer.

"Uh yeah..that's what normally happens" Natalie said with a confused smile. "What did you want?"

"Which one does Nick drink the most?"

"Why?" Natalie said quizzically. "This isn't one of those weird adoration things is it? Nick's not like your here or something is he? Cause...."

"Just a question" Edwina interrupted.

"The Mountain Dew I guess" Natalie stated, taking a moment to think about her answer.

"Then I'll have that."

Natalie smiled and headed for the kitchen to bring Edwina back a refreshment. While she was in the kitchen she heard Edwina say something about heading for the bathroom, before Natalie yelled out a general okay. Natalie came back into the room carrying a glass, and found Edwina was still in the bathroom. She sat down and patiently waited, wondering what was taking her so long.

She heard Nick come through the front door with AJ in tow as they both argued about something. Natalie got up to greet them, as both smiled back at her before heading for the kitchen.

"Oh Nick, your cousin Edwina came to visit" Natalie called out before Nick made it to the kitchen.

"Oh my cousin Edwina. Where is..." Nick trailed off, before raising an eyebrow at Natalie. "Wait a minute. I don't have a cousin Edwina."

"Sure you do. Your dad's sister's daughter" Natalie smiled.

Nick held up his hand and cut in looking confused. "My dad's an only child."

"But the girl said she was your cousin" Natalie insisted.

"I'm telling you Nat. I do not have a cousin Edwina."

"Then who's the girl in the bathroom now?" Natalie said slowly as both her eyes widened considerably.

"You let her in?!" Nick and even AJ who had heard everything exclaimed.

"Well yeah she.." Natalie began before Nick pushed her aside and ran to the living room, just in time to see his 'cousin' returning from the bathroom.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!! OH MY GOD IT'S YOU! IT'S NICK CARTER!" Edwina squealed excitedly, in a pitch even most dogs probably couldn't hear.

All three held up their hands to their ears, before looking suspiciously at Edwina. Nick had his hands on his hips with a stern look on his face. "Now Edna we both know you're not my cousin, right?"

Edwina positively beamed. "You said my name."

"But your name's not Edna, it's Edwina" Natalie pointed out.

"I can be Edna" she gushed seductively. "He can call me whatever he wants."

"Holy freakin' hell, we've got a doozy here" AJ muttered from behind with a roll of his eyes.

"Alright I think you better go now. As much as I'm enjoying this family reunion, it has to end before something weird happens" Nick tried to say as politely as he could, while still trying to get rid of Edwina.

"But I came all this way and it was so hard getting through the front gate" Edwina protested.

"How did you get past security?" Nick asked curiously.

"Oh that wasn't the hard part cause the guy in there was on a bathroom break. It was climbing that fence that was hard" Edwina replied.

"Thankyou Mr Security Guy" Nick said sarcastically. "I'm glad he cares so much about our safety. I mean some psycho could've come in here and Natalie-the-most-gullible-person-on-earth would've let them in."

Natalie slapped Nick on the arm. "I am not gullible."

"And I am not a psycho" Edwina piped up, resenting Nick's comment.

"Uh huh" Nick nodded incredulously. "You climb ten foot fences" he said looking pointedly at Edwina. "And you. You believe anything. Someone tells you they're my cousin and you let them in."

"Honest mistake" Natalie muttered.

"Okay kiddoes as much as I'm enjoying this rerun from America's weirdest home videos I think it's time we break up this party." AJ declared. "Um Edwina I think you better go before you get taken away for breaking and entering" AJ cut in, noticing the situation was turning into the blame game.

"I didn't break in! She let me in" Edwina argues, as she pointed accusingly at Natalie.

"And I assure you we'll be sending her away to get some psychiatric help just as soon as we can" AJ replied, taking Edwina by the arm and slowly guiding her to the door.

"Hang on" Edwina cried out in protest, as she resisted AJ. "Can't I get a souvenir or something?"

Nick threw his hands up in exasperation before AJ quickly grabbed Nick's Journey CD and thrust it at Edwina. "Here take this, he loves it to bits." Edwina clutched it tightly as she looked at AJ gratefully.

"Bone! That's my favourite CD" Nick said through clenched teeth.

AJ shruggged, waving a hand at Nick as he slowly guided Edwina to the door. A few minutes later he re-emerged with a triumphant smile. "Mission accomplished. Disaster averted."

" just gave away one of my CDs" Nick sulked. "You could've given her one of Nat's."

"They're not exactly labelled Nick" AJ said with a roll of his eyes. "It's a bit hard on the spur of the moment."

"Well it wouldn't have happened is someone in here hadn't let her in" Nick said, looking over at Natalie.

"Jeez I'm sorry! She looked like she could be related to you alright. I don't know what all of your relatives look like and she seemed pretty believable" Natalie argued.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to talk to strangers" Nick retorted.

"Yeah but she didn't look like a weirdo that was going to chop my head off!"

"Okay, okay" AJ piped up, trying to keep the peace. "That's enough. Nick you're just pissed cause I gave away your CD- get over it. And Nat, don't be so trusting, who knows who you might let in next time. You gotta be careful, fans will do anything to get closer to a Backstreet Boy especially blondie over there, cause he's the favourite" AJ teased as he looked pointedly at Nick.

"Shut up Bone" Nick snapped.

"Alright I'm sorry. Nick did your hard of hearing ears get that? I'm sorry. I won't let anymore of your supposed relatives in."

"Fine, sorry for blowing up at you and AJ sorry for yelling at you too. I can get another CD."

They all hesitantly smiled at each other before AJ spoke up. "Speaking of music. What the hell are you listening to?"

All three stopped and heard the yodel music which had been playing all throughout the commotion. Natalie laughed and shrugged. "Ask Nick, it's his 100 Austrian yodels volume five."

"A fan gave it to me!" Nick protested.

"You are one sad sad little boy" AJ commented almost sympathetically.

Chapter Eight
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