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Chapter Nine

Waves were starting to bring in high tide as Natalie settled herself on the sand to watch the sunset dip into the ocean. The breeze was blowing her hair softly, as she smiled at the view before her. She looked back at the house and noticed the light was on in Nick's bedroom, and that he must've just got home from a management meeting. She thought of Nick in awe, he was hardly an adult yet and he was already an international success.

Lately she'd begun to view him alot differently. She found herself appreciating more and more the fact that she was living with him and knew the more private side of Nick Carter. However it was getting harder to hide the fact she liked him, and the fact she blushed almost everytime he went near her or even walked into the room betrayed her feelings on more than one occasion. Sitting on the sand, Natalie was brought out of her reverie when her cell phone began ringing beside her.


"Nat, it's AJ. Just wondering if you want to go out tonight?"

"Well that depends on what you're up to" Natalie said teasingly.

"Why, we're travelling by private jet to Paris and then going to Milan to dance the night away. Sound good enough?" AJ laughed.

"Unacceptable AJ, how boring does that sound" Natalie said jokingly. "No seriously, what are you doing?"

"What makes you think we're not really doing that?" AJ countered seriously.

"Cause I'm not a complete idiot, you make up bullshit like you're on automatic pilot" Natalie said with a laugh. "Now tell the truth."

"Alright, it's slightly less glamorous, we're just heading out to a club in Orlando" AJ replied. "Just you, me, Howie, Kev and Brian."

"Are we mad at Nick or are you leaving him out on purpose?" Natalie joked.

"Didn't you know? Nick and clubs aren't exactly the perfect match. It's not really his ideal way to spend a night. We drag him, but that's about as common as seeing Big Foot on Miami Beach" AJ explained. "So are you coming or not?"

Natalie looked back at the house and sighed. "Sure AJ, I'd love to."


"Well don't I feel overdressed" Nick commented as he walked into the kitchen and found the guys dressed formally, all waiting impatiently for Natalie to finish getting ready. He looked down at his jeans and sweatshirt and pulled a face.

"Is it like a law I missed that girls always have to be late for everything" AJ whined after checking his watch for the fifth time after arriving at the beach house.

"More like an expectation" Howie added. "So Nicky are you sure you don't want to come?"

"I have a date with the VCR" Nick smiled devilishly.

"You're just the life of the party Frack, how do you do it?" Brian retorted sarcastically.

"Hey, I'd take Christina Ricci over you guys any day" Nick countered as he went in search for something to eat. He reached out for a bag of Twix when he heard AJ let out a low whistle. Nick turned to see what the fuss was about and saw Natalie dressed in a black strapless dress, talking happily with the rest of the guys.

"You look great" Kevin said as he leaned over to kiss Natalie in greeting.

"I agree, almost good enough to eat girl" AJ remarked as he took in Natalie from head to toe and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Howie and Brian followed, before Natalie disappeared to grab a jacket. Nick went over to join the others, unable to hide the fact he had been gaping at Natalie.

"Close your mouth Nick" Brian whispered.

"Who would've thought little Nat would grow up to look like that" AJ chimed in. "Change your mind Nick?" He looked over at Nick and smiled.

"Why would I do that?" Nick said nonchalantly.

"Just the fact your mouth fell halfway down to your knees" Kevin laughed.

"No it didn't, I.." Nick started before Natalie reappeared.

She smiled at everyone, as Kevin nodded to indicate they should go. Nick stood back, trying not to look at Natalie. "Let's go."

"Sure, I'm ready" Natalie agreed. "Have fun with your Christina marathon. Don't stay up too late" she added with a smirk, glancing over at Nick.

"Yeah Nick, have fun" Brian teased as he followed everyone else out the door.

"Later guys" Nick said a little forlornly, noticing the empty room he'd been left with.


"Howie, I think that girl is checking you out" Brian observed, nodding his head in the general direction of the bar.

"No way" Howie disagreed, noticing the tall brunette sipping at her drink.

"Actually" Natalie said, while squinting to see harder. "I think she is. She's been sipping that empty glass for the past twenty minutes."

The three were on the dance floor, dancing to techno music and enjoying the atmosphere and rarity of free time. Natalie felt a strange sense of protectiveness over the guys, as she watched several girls glancing over at them invitingly. She also noticed on more than one occasion that girls had been looking her over critically when she had been dancing with one of the guys, probably assuming she was a girlfriend or a date.

"If somebody gives me one more dirty look, I'm gonna be forced to quit being lady like and use some words my mother told me never to use" Natalie commented, as Brian and Howie leaned in to hear her.

"Don't worry 'bout it Nat" Brian said, draping a comforting arm around her shoulder with a sympathetic smile. "Come on, we'll go and sit down."

"Thanks B, that just scored me another dirty look from the girls in the corner" Natalie laughed, looking down at Brian's arm.

"Is it my fault girls find me irresistable?" Brian countered as he began to lead Natalie towards their table. Brian turned around and noticed Howie was following them, and let out a laugh. "Oh no you don't D, I think that girl's waiting for you to talk to her, so go."

"But Bri.." Howie protested.

"Nope, she's waiting D" Brian refused.

"Oh alright" Howie conceded.

Natalie settled herself at the table and took a big gulp from her glass. "That's better."

"So we know D's getting some attention, but what about you?" Brian commented, taking a seat opposite Natalie.

"Way to make a girl feel wanted Bri" Natalie retorted, as she spotted Howie conversing happily with the girl at the bar.

"Well you can't tell me you have absolutely no one in mind" Brian said.

Suddenly the introduction of a remix of 'As long as you love me' filled the club. Nick's opening introduction brought a secretive smile to Natalie's face. "Oh I wouldn't say that."


"Awww..ain't that cute" Natalie mumbled to herself when she found Nick sprawled out on the couch, with the glow of the TV reflecting on his face.

"Hmmm.." Nick murmured as he stirred in his sleep. He shifted slightly and let out a deep contented sigh.

"Wonder what he's dreaming about?" Natalie smield as she stood over him. "Actually no, on second thoughts, I don't think I wanna know, who knows what nineteen year olds dream about. And why am I standing here talking to myself at 3 o'clock in the morning?" Natalie let out a laugh as she turned to get ready for bed and jumped about six feet when Nick called after her.

"Hey Cinderella, I think your carriage has well and truly turned back into a pumpkin" Nick said thickly, with a sleepy smile.

"Okay Nick, I think you just gave me a minor heart attack there" Natalie returned with a nervous smile. "I thought you were knocked out already."

"Yeah I was having this dream about being stuck on a deserted island with the Swedish bikini team and then a giant mutated shark came up and chased me in the water so I woke up" Nick relayed, a little unsettled. "It was starting to get good too" he added, looking a little disappointed.

"Is that you or the hormones talking" Natalie teased.

"No complicated questions at three in the morning, my brain's still sleeping" Nick replied sleepily.

"Your brain's always sleeping" Natalie giggled. "It figures though. You'd do anything to get out of explaining a dream that involves scantily clad women running up and down a beach."

"They're the best kind" Nick protested. "Especially when one of them said 'isn't that cute' to me. I was shocked cause I didn't think they could speak English" Nick continued with a huge, cheeky grin.

Natalie picked up a cushion and threw it at him. "That was me you idiot!"

"Who cares?! The girl saying it was pretty cute" Nick shrugged with a laugh. "What are you doing saying I'm cute at 3 am anyway?"

Natalie suddenly felt uneasy before finding a comeback that wouldn't totally incriminate her. "Ego-maniac! Don't flatter yourself. I was just commenting on your ability to drool and dream at the same time."

"Oh I do not drool" Nick argued defensively.

"Like hell you don't! You had enough drool there to fill Tampa Bay" Natalie retorted.

Nick sat up, looking at Natalie, trying to search his head for a comeback to no avail. Natalie gave him a triumphant look. "Yeah?"

"I can't think of anything" Nick said looking defeated.

"See, you are a drooler" Natalie smiled, as she turned to head for the kitchen. "You want some milk? I suddenly feel thirsty."

"No it's okay, I'll just sit for awhile and watch some TV" Nick declined as he shifted to make himself more comfortable.

Natalie finished up the rest of her milk, noticing Nick had become considerably quiet, and went to go check what had happened. Peering into the living room she saw him once again, fast asleep with his arm dangling down onto the ground. Quickly going to his bedroom, and throwing off the mess on his bed, Natalie grabbed his quilt and threw it over Nick, tucking him in like a little boy much to her amusement. Natalie stood over him for awhile, noticing the blonde hair falling onto his eyes. She reached out hesitantly, before brushing his hair away, allowing her hand to linger for awhile. Natalie sighed as she pulled her hand away, glad that Nick was sleeping and was totally oblivious of what she had just done. "Sweet dreams Nick..have a clean one if possible."

She turned out the light, and switched off the TV leaving Nick on his own. Nick smiled to himself, before turning onto his side. "Goodnight Nat."

Chapter Ten
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