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Fan Fiction Links

Alrighty then.. there are so-o many cool stories out there in case you're new to the fanfic scene, that often it's difficult to know where to stop and start. So I just thought I'd make it a little easier and compile a list of sites and stories which are worth checking out. You gotta promise to come back to mine though! LOL!

If you want to get a link happening from this site to your site, just e-mail me at: "" and I'll gladly link you! But make sure you put 'add my link' as the subject so I know what you're writing about, ok?

P.S. Some of these links I put up without consent, so if you happen to be the owner of one of them e-mail me and I'll take it down. Sorry in advance, just thought I'd give some free publicity.

Wiggycool's Hangout
I lo-ove this site. It's got so much fiction and the variety is stories is big so you're bound to find a story that you'll like. Check out Torie's stories especially, they're really funny and well written, so you won't wanna stop reading!

Julia's BSB Story Page
This site has got plenty of stories as well. I've read both of Julia's stories and she is an eloquent writer with a great writing style. I absolutely fell in love with her story A New Life, it's one of my all time favourites.

The Backstreet Fiction Page
Heaps of stories on this site. So many writers under the one site means that there's a healthy supply of stories (that's always good to know). You're almost guaranteed to find a story you'll like.

Silver Zone
Carley owns this site and it's one of the most unique sites I've ever come across. I definitely recommend checking it out. She's got some great stories on her site, along with her award-winning stories so if you want a new and different fanfic experience come to this site for sure.

Nicky Carter Fiction
As the name implies Serious Nick Carter Heaven! This site has so many Nick stories to choose from I couldn't stop smiling. Alright I know there are other fanfic readers who don't adore Nick so this site also caters for the other BSB.

I'll be there
Another great story.....about Nick. Okay okay sorry if it feels like you're being swamped with Nick sites but the guy's my fave so what can you expect. This story is really quite interesting. It's about a girl who is disowned by her father, then finds herself in Florida where she meets up with the Nick and I think Brian and AJ. Good reading.

Sweet Whispers
This is Allie's site, formerly City of Dreams but has undergone a name and location change. I think it's a pretty cool page. Check it out!

Love like no other
A really cute story about a girl from England who comes to stay with a friend in Florida for six months. She meets Nick and....well you gotta read to find out!

Cristal's Nick Carter Stories
Gotta love the Nick sites! This site has a story called 'Charmed' and it's a good read. Based on a girl who goes on a camping trip with friends- only to find BSB are at the very same spot, and has Nick taking an interest in her while she's there. Wish that would happen to me :o)

Backstreet Boys: All Access
A great site, with its own compilation of fanfic on it. If you get tired of reading check out the rest of the site and get your daily dose of BSB!

Not exactly a fanfic site but its my list and I say this site is worth mentioning. It's very comprehensive, has really cool pics and anything involving Nick I give a double thumbs up!

Backstreet Stories
Another site for the BSB stories I know all you guys love. Check it out, it's got some cool stories!

Yvonne's Backstreet Heaven
This site is done by Yvonne and it's really good. I suggest you pay a visit to it, anything involving the word 'Backstreet' and 'Heaven' has got to be worth a look!

Kevmistress' Fanfiction
Hmm I wonder who her favourite is? Kevin perhaps? It's done by Audrey and she has some good stories on it, even if it isn't totally on Nicky, I still have a soft spot for each and every one of the BSB, so go check it out!

Backstreet Boys' Story Corner
Ahh, I remember story corner at school..if only they read BSB stories I probably would've paid more attention! Well this is another site filled with loads of different stories, so go for a know you want to.

Backstreet Storybook
Majorly cool site..heaps of stories and they're really good too. I love 'How I spent my summer', it's a Nick story so be prepared, but it was so..good (*sigh*). So do you get the picture..I really want you to visit it..

Backstreet's Realm of Dreams
A fan fic site run by Mon Rok, it's really cool. It's got some great stories and maybe as the name implies you'll find your dream story here!

Nadia's Exclusive Backstreet Boys Fan Fiction Site
Nadia's site has some really great stories on it, including some that she has written and I must say it is definitely worth the visit. Check out this fanfic site, you really won't be disappointed.

BSB Fanfic Fanatic
Are you a fanfic fanatic? Well this site run by Karen and Jen should keep you satisfied, definitely drop by and look around.

Backstreet Boys Fan Fiction
Another great site to look at. This is run by Katie and has a good range of stories. Have a look!

Kit Kat's Fanfics
Katie runs this site and it is pretty cool. Check out the stories and enjoy your visit!

I have actually began reading this story and it is really really good. About Nick and an actress who takes over the BSB's choreography. They're a perfect match, everyone knows it, but will they be able to admit it?

I Need You Recommended to me by Kerri, check out this story, it is really worth the look cause it's a good read.

Act like I'm a spaceship: Nick Carter Fan Fiction This is such a cute site you have got to check it out. I really like 'Shelter' along with all Julia's other stories.

Sheena's BSB Fan Fiction Page It's just getting started but Sheena already has two stories on her site. Pay it a visit if you can, but just a warning, the stories tend to be for more mature audiences. You have been warned!

Backstreet Fiction Aptly titled Backstreet Fiction, this site contains none other than fiction! Sugar Fairy as she is known runs this site, so please check it out.

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