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Chapter Three

"Do you know M&Ms don't have two Ms" Nick pointed out as he closely insepcted the candy in his pal. He was still in sweat pants and a tattered shirt and he was sprawled on the couch as usual. Surrounded by mounds of junk food with the VCR continuously playing clips of Alicia on the catwalk and her appearances at various red carpert events with an array of dates. Beside him was a copy of Vogue he'd stolen from BJ featuring Alicia on the ocver. He'd basically created his own torture chamber.

"What..?" Brian said, giving Nick a funny look as he had his potato chip mid bite. "Nick are you okay? I'm asking seriously now, if you're a little light headed just tell me the hospital is just down the road."

"What makes you think there's a problem?"

"Nick you're analysing M&Ms, tell me you odn't think that's a bit on the unusual side" Brian pointed out as Nick continued to smile gleefully at the M&Ms he was eating.

"They're cute aren't they" he said as he popped another M&M in his mouth.

Brian looked at Nick wide eyed, before he finally grabbed the bag from Nick. Nick looked at him a little surprised, before looking like he was almost going to cry. Brian slowly offered the bag back to him. "Here, jeez Nick don't cry about it."

"I miss Alicia" Nick moaned as he grabbed a pillow and put it over his face. "Bri, I miss her."

"Well the M&Ms are gonna be jealous now aren't they?" Brian teased with a laugh, causing Nick to break into a small grin.

"Ha ha, you're so hilarious."

"That's a bit better, at least you bite back now."

"You don't understand Frick, I think I'm gonna fall apart. I want Alicia back."

"Nick she dumped you, does that tell you anything?" Brian said.

"I don't care Bri, I want Alicia" he said decidedly as he watched Alicia walk down the catwalk again for the twentieth time. Brian reached out and stopped the tape just in time to hear a report on Nick come on.

"Backstreet Boy Nick Carter has reportedly ended his relationship with long time girlfriend model Alicia Williams.."

"Okay let's just turn that off shall we" Brian said as he quickly grabbed the remote and flipped the TV off. "Man there's like how many wars in the world and they decide that your split is actually worth reporting."

"Thankyou B, just keep going, would you like a bag of salt to pour on my heart while you're at it?"

"Sorry..but oh forget it. Look Nick if you want her back, don't just sit there like a lump, do something about it."

"Like what? I've called her how many times, she won't talk to me, I send her stuff which she seems to take but I don't hear anything from her, what else can I do. I can't stalk her, that's just a bit too..."

"Weird?" Brian suggested.

"No, illegal. I want her back but I don't want to go to jail for it."

"Okay, I'm glad we're thinking clearly here" Brian said with a roll of his eyes. "Nick, do you seriously want her back?"

"Yes Brian, I do. I want my Alicia back."

"Then get her back. What you need is a plan" Brian said, as his head began trying to think of a way to get Alicia back for his friend, no matter how much he hated the idea. "What did you do to get her to go out with you the last time?"

"Nothing much, I stood there and smiled, she did the rest."

"Bit on the easy side there Nickolas" Brian said dryly.

"Hey! I resent that" Nick pouted.

"Okay, settle down, look you have to figure out what makes Alicia tick and what is gonna brign her running back to you."

"I could change my image a bit, she seemed to think I was a bit on the goody, goody side" Nick suggested.

"Nick she's a model, she gets to see male models every single day of her life, looks my friend are not your draw card here."

Nick looked at Brian a little confused, he had no idea whether to be insulted or not. "Okay, well what then?"

"Well what was the one thing that used to always make her come running to you?"

"Well when other girls used to talk to me and stuff she always used to magically show up at my side. Alicia was a little on the jealous side."

"I couldn't tell" Brian said sarcastically, remembering the time she'd literally blocked Nick from meeting some fans who wanted their posters signed. "Well Nick looks like you'll have to play on that."

"Huh?" Nick asked quizzically.

"Play on her jealous side. Find the right girl, the right place at the right time, she'll find you irresistable all over again."

"That's not gonna work" Nick commented sadly.

"Nick you don't know what you're doing here, just listen to me" Brian insisted.


"No listen Nick. You want Alicia back, play on her weakness."

"That's not gonna work" Nick continued to disgaree.

"Nope Nick it's simple. Find the right girl and make her as jealous as hell."

"You don't think that's a bit juvenile? Maybe we should just talk" Nick said uncertainly.

"Nick, you're afraid to hang your feet off the bed cause you think something's gonna bite you, nothing is too juvenile for you" Brian reasoned out laughingly. "As for talking that's a no go, she's not even really talking to you now. That's your one option, take it or leave it."

"So you think I should?"

"Are you prepared to sit here for the rest of your vacation talking to a bowl of M&Ms?" Brian shot back at him.

Nick thought about it as he looked at the pathetic state he was in. He looked at Brian and slowly smiled. "It's definitely a plan Frick, I'll do almost anything."

"Well then, as of tomorrow we put this plan into action."

"What do we do?" Nick asked.

"Well first thing's first Nicky, first we have to find you a girl" Brian smirked, realising the fun they could have with the plan.


"Frick I give up" Nick exclaimed in exasperation as they scoured Nick's address book for possible candidates to help put their plan into action. Nick slammed the book closed and looked at Brian in annoyance. "This isn't gonna work."

"It is, you're just being too picky" Brian retorted as he grabbed the address book from Nick and flipped through the assortment of wads of paper and calling cards, all listing a girl's name tucked inside. "Nick for crying out loud, you've got enough names in here to start your own beauty pageant. Just pick one out and let's get started."

"None of them are gonna go along with this" Nick stated. "They're not, as if they're gonna go out with me to help me get my ex girlfriend back. I highly doubt anyone is that stupid."

"They gave you their names didn't they?" Brian teased. "No Nick, come on seriously. If you asked nicely you'd be surprised at what you could get anyone to do."

"Bri all these names are from girls who wanted to go out with me, you really think they'd just want to help hand me back to Alicia. Think about it."

"Well what do you suggest then Romeo" Brian said becoming a little impatient wtih Nick.

"We need a girl who's pretty much not interested in me whatsoever, and who'd go along with the plan" Nick replied.

"Where are we going to find a girl like that? Basically she'd have to be pretty open to the fact she knows she's being used Nick" Brian said with a sigh. "It'd be extremely hard to find anyone like that."

"Well she wouldn't have to be used" Nick said with a smile slowly forming on his face.

"Come again?" Brian asked in puzzlement.

"Well she might want something I can give her" Nick said slyly.

"Nick what are you talking about? More like who are you talking about?"

"Leave it to me Bri, I'll get us the perfect person, without any hassles or strings attached" Nick grinned.

"I hope you know what you're doing" Brian said slowly.

"Of course I do Bri, of course I do" Nick said as he looked down at Alicia's smiling face looking upa thim from a copy of Cosmo. He'd have her back again in no time.

Chapter Four
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