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Chapter Two

"Hey Bri" Nick said into his cell phone.

"How's the trip going?"

"Don't ask. I'm just about to board the plane cause my flight was delayed but I ran into this really scary girl who just about blew a blood vessel cause she thought I was cutting in on her" Nick relayed with a roll of his eyes. He smiled at the boarding gate attendant who flashed him an inviting grin before checking over his pass and taking it.

"Have a nice flight Mr Carter."

"Thanks" he smiled before adding "will you be here when I get back?"

Brian made really loud mock-puking noised that Nick had to quickly cover the mouthpiece of his phone. As soon as the woman was out of earshot Nick proceeded to yell at Brian. "What was that for?!"

"Sorry but it had to be done. Frack, when did your pick up lines get so bad? Where did you get that last one? AJ's 101 ways to make women swoon?" Brian said with a laugh.

"I was just making conversation" Nick argued indigantly.

"Bet she was hot though" Brian remarked.

"Yeah alright she was" Nick admitted with a smile.

"Well behave yourself, we'll follow soon."

Nick thought about the hastily planned trip to Las Vegas. The group was scheduled to make a live performance in LA in a few days, but Nick decided to go ahead and stop off in Vegas before heading to LA. He had no idea why he suddenlt had the urge to go there but he suspected it was probably due to the fact he'd been watching 'Casino' non-stop due to a sudden fascination with Sharon Stone. "Alright Bri, I'll see ya in a couple of days."

"Don't do anything stupid" Brian addes as an after thought. "if you do just remember your mother is only a phone call away and I will tell on you."

"Are you like five years old?" Nick laughed into the phone.

"Nope, but sometimes you make we wonder if you may be" Brian teased.

"It's okay Frick, I'm all grown up now you don't need to worry about me" Nick assured.

"FIne but I'm just warning you. Your mom is on speed dial here" Brian replied.

"Chill Bri. I'll be fine. What could possibly happen?"


Morgan ventured to her seat after having warned Sasha and Claire that chatting up strange guys was not exactly the way to enhance their image. Sasha just rolled her eyes at her, while Morgan took three deep breaths and tried not to completely lose it. Her morning had been dramatic enough, and she didn't particularly want to enter into another screaming match. Clutching a briefcase full of paper work, she settled into her seat. One advantage of travelling with a music group was that you'd more than likely end up in first class.

Morgan searched around for her glasses and settled in to catch up on her designated work load for Miss Creations. She looked up and saw the girls sitting in their seats, behaving themselves and let out a sigh of relief that they weren't doing anything too scandalous.

"Excuse me miss, hi, I..."

Morgan looked up and almost choked on the water she was drinking. It was the guys she'd had the fight with. He was looking at her in horror while she sat gaping at him.

"Oh no freakin way" he said, glaring at her.

"Ughh it's you" Morgan exclaimed accusingly. "What the hell do you want?"

"Apparently someone hates me and put me next to you" he said with an annoyed expression.

"It's not hard" Morgan muttered.


"Nothing" she said putting on a fake smile.

He looked down at his ticket and cringed. "Yeah it's the right seat, unfortunately."

"I don't really want to sit next to you either" Morgan remarked looking annoyed. "Can't you go somewhere else?"

"Look around do you see anywhere else?"

Morgan scanned the area and scowled. "Then stand."

"I don't think so" he said already trying to sit down.

"Hang on, my stuff's on the seat!" Morgan exclaimed. She grabbed her briefacse off the seat and glared at him. He looked down at her and groaned before taking a seat. "Don't act like you're doing me a favour by sitting there" Morgan snapped.

"Did I say anything?" He said looking defensive.

"You didn't have to" Morgan rolled her eyes before turning back to her work. She was busy flipping through publicity shots when she heard him make a comment.

"You better put your seatbelt on."

"I think I can decide on my own when to put my seatbelt on" Morgan retorted.

"I was just being helpful. The seatbelt light came on so I thought I'd let you know, pardon me for being polite."

"That's stretching the truth a bit don't you think?" Morgan said sarcastically. "Polite is not a wrod I'd use to describe you."

"Fine, be a total ungrateful pain then, you obviously do not have enough brains to realise when someone's trying to be nice to you" he snapped, staring straight at Morgan with an exasperated expression.

"Nice? Puh-lease, save it" Morgan countered.

"Are you always this annoying?"

"Oh I am not annoying, you're annoying!"

A flight attendant was coming around to check if the passengers were all buckled in. She stopped at Morgan. The two were having another go at verbally bashing each other and she watched in amusement as they continued totally oblivious of her presence.

"Can't you move seats?" Morgan said frustratedly.

"Believe me I would if I could but I can't so we're stuck next to one another."

"Oh goody, lucky me I have a stroke to look forward to" Morgan said sarcastically.

"Oh you are such a..a...a.." he stammered. "Psychotic little bi.."

"Okay sir" the attendant said, trying hard to stop a fight from breaking out. "Is everything to you satisfaction?"

"Lock her in the bathroom for me and then we'll talk about satisfaction."

"Did you just graduate from asshole school? Cause you are so obnoxious I can't believe I have to sit here and tolerate you for the plane ride" Morgan said, letting out an annoyed sigh.

"Well I'm not exactly having the time of my life either."

"Miss can you please put your seatbelt on" the flight attendant interjected. "We're taking off soon."

"See I told you" he retorted childishly.

"Get over it! It wasn't exactly brain surgery figuring that out."

"Do you ever shut up?!"

"No I don't, do you ever lose the attitude?"

"What can I say, you bring out the best in me" he said grinning to the point of annoyance from Morgan's persepective.

Morgan grunted at him. "Don't flatter yourself, it's not much."

"Can I do anything else for you both?" The flight attendant cut in with a mandatory smile.

The pair just looked at each other and looked straight ahead with evil glares. Morgan groaned to herself. "God can anything else go wrong today?"

Chapter Three
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