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Chapter Three

Nick was sitting in his seat listening happily to his discman when he felt his newly found arch enemy tap him on the shoulder. He gave her a glance, suspicious of what she wanted all of a sudden after two and a half hours on the plane. Nick pulled his earphone out and diverted his attention to her.

"Yeah?" Nick said.

"Sorry to break it to you but not everyone here enjoys your horrible taste in music" she pointed out with a scowl. "So could we turn it down a bit, I feel like I'm getting a free concert that I didn't even want to go to."

Nick gave her a long hard look before pulling a face and turning his discman down. "Happy?"

"Not quite, I'm just waiting for you to move, then I'll be happy" she remarked with a smirk.

Nick looked at her carefully for the first time. She had dark shoulder length hair which was pulled back carelessly in a ponytail. Nick caught a glimpse of her eyes and noticed they were really dark, almost black. She is evil he thought silently to himself before feeling guilty and mentally taking it back. If she wasn't such a tempremental pain in the backside she'd actually be quite pretty, he thought.

"So what's your name?" Nick suddenly found himself blurting out.

"Why?" She responded, raising her eyebrow.

"I'm making conversation, so sue me" he replied with a roll of his eyes.

"Morgan" she replied flatly.

"Isn't that a last name?" Nick couldn't help but say.

She turned and gave him another dirty look. "You are such a jerk. I can't believe one person can be that annoying. But then again you seem to be slightly idiotic so why am I so surprised?"

"You're the one that's so touchy, maybe there's something wrong with you" Nick countered feeling his blood pressure rise again.

"Not likely, you're the one with the problem."

Nick sighed, after only knowing her for a few hours she already had a way of exhausting him. He wasn't used to a girl being so hostile to him. Normally all he had to do was pile on the charm and they were eating out of his hands. "So what's your last name?"

"I'm not telling you!" She exclaimed.

"Why? You gave me your first name" Nick replied.

"You could be a lunatic for all I know. It's easier to track someone down if you know their last name."

"Are you for real?" Nick said with a laugh.

Morgan turned to him, flashing Nick a less than happy look. "Are you finding it hard to understand?" She said slowly, emphasising each of her words.

"I can tell you for a fact that I am sane" he said back.

"You could be just saying that when really you're a twisted human being" she shrugged. Nick was amazed, he hadn't ever met anyone who could argue any little thing he said.

"Alright I'll tell you my name."

"I don't want your name."

Nick ignored her. "It's Nick Carter."

"Great, my life is complete now that I know your name" she said sarcastically.

Nick didn't want to admit it, but he felt slightly annoyed that she didn't know who he was. "From the Backstreet Boys?"

"So you keep telling me" she remarked, not taking any interest in him at all.

"You really don't know me?" Nick kept asking.

"No I don't. Does that bother you for some reason?" She spelled out, emphasising each of her words.

"Forget it" Nick said dismissively. His ego had been deflated enough.

"Forgotten" she said with a fake smile, before continuing with the work she'd been concentrating on. Nick felt agitated traveling on his own. Normally he always had someone to talk to when he traveled with the group. Morgan wasn't exactly the company he had been expecting.

"Sasha, come here for a sec I need to talk to you" she called out over the seats. Nick watched as a young girl with her face caked with make up begrudgingly got up and made her way over to their seats.

"What now?" She said looking bothered.

"I just had to ask you.." Morgan began before being cut off by Sasha's shrill voice.


Nick was almost relieved to know that he still had some fans who knew who him. He smiled at her. "Hi."

There were a few curious looks being directed at them, but no outburst of fan hysteria. "I can't believe it. It's Nick Carter" she said excitedly before turning to the girls she'd been sitting with. "Guys, look who Morgan's sitting next to."

Three other girls followed with equally excited reactions. Nick smiled at them, knowing Morgan was looking at him in shock.

"I'm having a Twilight Zone experience" she muttered noticing the look on Nick's face. "You guys actually know who he is?"

"Yeah" Sasha scoffed. "He's from the Backstreet Boys."

"Uh-huh" Morgan said to herself. "Who would be?"

Sasha proceeded to rattle off an explanation causing Morgan's eyebrows to raise higher and higher. Nick grinned to himself, enjoying Morgan's looks of disbelief when Sasha spoke.

Nick turned to her, expecting a change of attitude. "So what do you think now?"

Morgan looked at his expression of cockiness before talking. "Well, now I think I've discovered the reason behind your self-centred, egotistical, I-love-myself-to-bits attitude. You're a singer. I should've guessed."

Nick looked taken aback. He hadn't been expecting that.


The plane landed gently as Morgan looked out her window, glad to see dry land and relieved the plane trip was over. Nick was driving her crazy. She'd never met anyone so willing to fight with her.

"Alleluia" she exclaimed, leaning back into her seat adn letting out a sigh. Morgan watched Nick out of the corner of her eye as he stuffed his things back into his backpack. He's a gigantic pain, but at least he's kinda cute she thought before shaking her head to free any further thoughts along those lines.

"Thank God that is over" Nick muttered under his breath. He rummaged around his bag and pulled out his ticket, before childishly starting to suck on a lollipop he'd found.

"That was one helluva plane ride" Morgan commented to herself as she stretched after having been cramped up in her seat for so long.

"I'll say" Nick agreed after hearing Morgan's comment.

"Oh you're still there" Morgan said dryly.

"Yes I am gotta problem with that?" Nick said sarcastically, feeling his blood pressure start to rise again.

"Did I say I had a problem? Morgan snapped back. She gave Nick an annoyed look as she retied her hair which had fallen out during the flight.

"Did anybody ever tell you to lighten up once in awhile" Nick said pulling a face at Morgan.

"No..cause you're the only person that seems to totally stress me out!" Morgan cried out, before stepping past Nick and giving him a totally disgusted look.

Morgan stood back, returning the look Nick was giving her as they both tried to out stare each other. Morgan put her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrow at him, while Nick tried to equally return her stare.

Sasha and Jenna walked past, giggliing like two overly excited school girls. They stepped in between Nick and Morgan and darted their eyes between the two. Jenna groaned. "They're fighting again."

"Don't you two ever stop" Sasha remarked before she and Jenna made their way out of the plane.

"They're right you know" Nick finally said.

"And how do you figure that?" Morgan asked witheringly.

"Well we haven't stopped fighting since we met each other" Nick pointed out diplomatically.

"Maybe that's because you are one of the most aggravating people I have ever met" Morgan said with a fake smile.

"And as with you" Nick remarked sarcastically.

Morgan grasped her briefcase and looked at Nick before pulling a face at him. "Morgan!" Somebody called out.

Morgan peered out of the plane and noticed it was one of the girls. She turned to Nick. "Goodbye, thanks for demonstrating to me what it's really like to make someone want to throw themselves out of a plane."

"Too bad you didn't" Nick remarked sarcastically. "See you around Morgan."

"Yeah Nick..later" Morgan said, before turning on her heel and leaving Nick forever.

Chapter Four
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