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Updates...see what I've done

We-ell as you can tell I've only recently decided to put up an updates page. I guess it saves everyone time when they can see what I've done in one spot without having to look all over the site. So here you'll be able to find out what I'm doing, what I plan to do etc...

27th June 1999: Hmm well this is my first Updates entry, and if haven't noticed I've given my main page a makeover. I was getting tired of the old one so I changed it, I hope you guys like it. Um well I put up some more links on the Fanfic links page, and updated Never Ever. That's about it...oh and I'm so excited my story Crossroads made it to over 10 000 readers, I can't believe it. But thanks to everyone for reading it!!

30th June 1999: Okay I was in the mood to update again today so I put up chapter 11 in Never Ever. I also put up another new story called 'The Perfect Mistake' which I've been working on for awhile now, and chapter one of that is up.

12th July 1999: I've gotten heaps of emails about updating Never Ever so I have. I put up chapters 12 and 13, and that's about it for now. I just thought I'd update that cause I haven't done it for awhile. I hope everybody is still reading it, and if you're reading this please please please vote for my story Crossroads in the BSB Fan Fiction awards!

18th July 1999: Only a minor update today. I added chapter 14 to Never Ever. Hopefully I'll be adding more soon...

20th July 1999: I did a bit more today, maybe that's why my wrists hurt from typing so much! But anyway I added chapters 15 and 16 to Never Ever, and I put up the second chapter to The Perfect Mistake. Happy reading!

26th July 1999: Simple update today- chapter 17 of Never Ever. I hope you like it Jackie!

5th August 1999: Wow I put up 4 chapters today!! I put up chapters 18-21 of Never Ever, and that's about it cause my wrists are aching from all the typing. But I hope you like it though. This is for all the people who were emailing me about the updates. Finally..I got to do one!

14th August 1999: Little update today. Just chapter 22 of Never Ever. But I'm gonna try to put up more in the next few days.

19th August 1999: I added some links today, and I added chapters 23 and 24 of Never Ever. Hope you like it!

25th August 1999: I just put up chapter 25 of Never Ever. I'll try to put up more later on...Anyway I also got a new award from the Backstreet Girls so go and check it out. It's pretty cool..

14th September 1999: Finally I hear you all say! Well I put up chapters 26 and 27 of Never Ever today, and I'm sorry for not having updated for awhile but I hope you like the next few chapters.

30th September 1999: it's finished! Never Ever is finished, I added the finale today. Don't worry though..they'll both be back very soon...

13th November 1999: I'm baaaaack! Sorry for the rather long gap between updates but I had heaps of things in uni to do that I just didn't have enough time in the day. But now I'm on holidays, expect me to update a bit more often. I've read some of the messages on the message board, especially one in particular and I get the point! I would like to update more often, and I am going to try to, but I'd just like to say that there's no need to attack me about it. Gentle hinting, pushing, requesting is fine, it actually helps, but attacking is not the way to inspire me to update. I think I've said my piece, so I updated Perfect Mistake today, 2 chapters , 3 and 4. Hope you like them!

8th December 1999: Hmm well I only really put up chapter five of Perfect Mistake today, so I hope you like it. Plus I put up some more links so there's a whole lot more stories for you to check out!

6th February 2000: It's a miracle! I actually updated. Sorry guys, it's been awhile I know. I put up chapter 6 of The perfect mistake today.

26th February 2000: I put up my newest story today. Cover Girl is about Nick, his ex, a plan and the next door neighbour he never noticed..until now! So I hope you all like it, I will try to juggle between this story and The Perfect Mistake, and all my other commitments so please pretty please be patient okay? Alright, I hope you like it!

20th April 2000: Put up chapter 7 of the Perfect Mistake. Enjoy!

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