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(a metabiography)

This site is for you.

If you're a boy
who's growing up gay, or bisexual,
or just plain confused
about who you are, where you fit,
and who you love,
you are not alone.

This is my "metabiography".
That's a word I made up, because
the stories here are basically true
but I changed some stuff
to make them fit between four walls.

There's some happiness here,
some sadness, too.
Sometimes it hurt so bad,
blacker than black.
Sometimes it was so awesome --
all the colors of the rainbow
inside me, like a child of the sun,
a comet, with a fiery tail
a hundred million miles long.

I hope it helps
to read about another kid,
a boy who liked boys,
who grew up years and years ago
who went through the same pain,
experienced the same joy,
and asked the same questions
as you.

This site is for you.

Please click
to find the main index

Recent significant revisions: (I decided to quit listing the insignificant ones :))
October 15, 2000: Added two new pieces, linked under heading Grayfire: "Flame" and "Ash"
May 4, 2000: Added link for my new website: SummerFire, AutumnRain: One Boy's Story
March 18, 2000: Added "Ghost story"
February 11-12, 2000: Site added to additional webrings (below); created separate links page; added additional links
February 5, 2000: Added guestbook
February 1, 2000: Site added to GayTeenResources Web Ring (thanks! :))
January 23, 2000: Completely revised

Webrings that contain Cometfire:
(Other links are on the Main Index page)

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This Ring for Gay Youth site is owned by Danny.
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This Teenage Gay Boy Love Stories site owned by Danny.

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