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Rocky's Photo Page...

Diamond Den Rocky Sivo

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Rocky is also such a joy to live with, I have yet to come across a more happy-go-lucky dog! His sweet personality and rambunctious playfulness keeps us all on our toes, and giggling in delight.

There is nothing in this world that this boy prefers to do over sitting on your lap, and being petted. He is definitely a *leaner*, and has figured out that if he feels he is not getting your full attention, all he has to do is lean against you for a hug. (and he usually gets one!)

He has won the hearts of just about anyone who has walked through our door since his birth. My Mother in Law has even threatened to steal him away from me! (......but that would only happen over my dead body!)

As you can see from some of the photos, Rocky's favorite place is on the couch (or your lap). He's a big ole teddy bear, and we all love him dearly.

Due to the large number of photos, I have had to split the Photo Album up into different sections.
Please use the links below to visit our remaining photo pages.

Sierra's Photo Page
Rocky's Photo Page
Playin' in the Snow Photo Page
Just Hangin' Around Photo Page
More Diamond Den Moments Photo Page
Christmas at Diamond Den Photo Page

Main Photo Album Page

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Website designed and created by Sylvia Imbeault.
With the exception of webring graphics/logos.......All graphics and photos
contained in this website are the property of
Diamond Den Belgians (Reg'd)
Permission must be obtained before copying......Thanks.