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Diamond Den Belgians - Sierra

SterlingDen Sierra Savar

Sierra is now nearly five years old, and has been a great addition to our family. We love her dearly and could not imagine our lives without her. She is a very active dog, just as happy going for long walks or a car ride as she is running beside (or riding on top of) the snowmobiles.

Due to an unfortunate accident (canine versus vehicle) before she turned two, she has been left with a broken tail. Thus, ending her Show Career.

She does however, have the many many great qualities and traits that are required for a foundation bitch. This is why we decided to breed her last year. After doing all of the health clearances, registering our kennel name, researching and, finally deciding on our Stud Dog we were ecstatic to announce a successful breeding and our very first litter, the "Northern Litter". This litter produced 6 beautiful baby belgians. *smile*

(Photos of the sire and pups can be viewed on our Photo Album Page
and updates and news about all of the pups can be seen on our News & Updates Page.

Sierra has a lovely fawn colored coat and black mask. Her ears are small and are nicely porportioned to her head.

This being her first litter had us a little "nervous" about things at first, but she turned out to be the perfect "Momma" throughout her entire pregnancy. The birth of her pups was surprisingly quick, with no complications what so ever.

Her maternal instincts took over right away, and all I had to do was sit back and watch in amazement. *smile*

Her temperament is the greatest. She loves children, people and cats. She will be wary of strangers, but has always welcomed friends into our home with *wags* and *kisses*.

Her faults are few, but need to be mentioned......missing two teeth and having a bit of a "roach back".

Pedigree: Sterlingden Sierra Savar

Pedigree for
Sterlingden Sierra Savar

Belgian Shepherd (Tervuren)

Ch Bris's Savaat of Sterlingden
Kilarney De Loup Noir
Singapore Sling De Loup Noir
Lascaux Indigo of Bris
Top Gun De LoupNoir
Lascaux Dwyn De LoupNoir
Ch Sterlingden Aristicat Tien-Ar CD
Etienne De Loup Noir CD
Boris De LaPouroffe
Vainqueur Ulana De Loup Noir
Ch Kamalot Aria De Loup Noir CD
Elcordobes De LoupNoir
Kamalot Noir LoboDalilah

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Website designed and created by Sylvia Imbeault.
With the exception of webring graphics/logos.......All graphics and photos
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Diamond Den Belgians (Reg'd)
Permission must be obtained before copying......Thanks.