Earth Angel is a calling and aid to all the Fallen Souls who are just now awakening to thier Angelic memories. The information contained in this site is free and accessable to all. I hope that this information will help all of my Angelic brethren awaken to thier full awareness and potential. I will continue to build upon this site as new information becomes available. This is my purpose. Or at least a part of it.
In 1987 a Fallen one, an earth-angel named Solara, releasesd the first book addresing this topic. Though it was viewed as highly eccentric as some of its content is simply nonsense, "The Star-Borne" was a breakthrough for thousands of individuals who were discovering thier Angelic identities.
In 1992 I realesed a book, under the name Aria, called "To Be Faery" which addressed the many "Faery souls" who were incarnate in the human realm. It had a few flaws too! It was not until years later that I was introduced to the works of Solara and was astounded by the similarities between our writings.
I can only guess that Solara has taken a path leading in another direction, at least for now, as her works seem to have drifted from the subject of the Angelic Awakening.
You will find no pseudo-science fiction or arcane techno-babble silliness in these pages. I will endevor to keep the content focused and comprehensive. Also, I Will answer all honest inquiries you may have. Only through open communication can we establish a community of Angelic Brethren.
I have joined this movement out of calling. I have returned to my memories and feel that the time is right. I offer this information in this medium in order to make it widely available to all who need it, without having to pay to aquire it.
This page, and the Angelic awakening, has nothing to do with religous fanaticism. It is a personal spiritual journey unique to the individual. There is no cult mentality or religous dogma.
The term "Fallen Ones" and/or "Fallen Angels" (Often used synonimously with Earth-Angels) does not admit or elude to any truth in the biblical story of the "fall from paradise". We have a much different view of "The Fall".
We descended by choice and duty. We were Not expelled from "heaven" under the iron fist of a vengefull judeo-christian god. Farther, we do not believe in an evil counterpart to the divine, a devil, or "evil Angels".
References to Lucifer relate to the Archangel of the first light who led the descent to into matter. It is religous propaganda and ignorance that equates Lucifer with "satan" even though religous scripture does not even support this relation.
See, The Legacy.
Lucifaria. December 17 1999