Angel souls are as numerous as they are diverse. They are artists, poets, dancers, prophets, psychics, healers, seekers and holymen. Some retain the essence of thier beings and lead productive lives in accordance with thier purpose. Others suffer from shock and amnesia. Ignorant of thier of thier true identities, they often wander and become insane in search of a forgotten something which they can not recall.
There are three kinds of Earth angels present today.
THE FALLEN, were the original Angels who descended with Lucifer at the dawn of creation. They have been here ever since. They have been carrying out thier mission, sub-counciously, for millenia but are now awakening to thier memories and continue to fulfill thier quest.
THE FAERY: These earth angels have been instrumental in the creation and manifestation of nature since the first forms of life manifested on earth. They have complted thier task and now either incarnate into human form where they continue to serve in a myriad of ways or return to the light from whence they came.
THE NUVEAU: These are newly descended angels who have come to help manifest the mergence of light and matter. The descent is far easier now than it was originally because the mergence of light has been underway for thousands of years. Matter is quickly softening. Especialy in this time of "Quickening". Thus, the Nuveau are energetic and cheerfull and ready to delve head first into thier work. They have endured far fewer human incarnations than thier "Fallen" brethren. While the descent was far less traumatic for them than for the original Fallen, they may still suffer from forgetfullness. They too must awaken to thier memories and purpose.
Note: The term "Earth Angel" applies to any form of angel who has incarnated in human form.
The term "Fallen" best relates to the original descended angels but can be casually applied in refrence to any eart-incarnate angel.
How would you know you are an angel? If you are still reading you are obviously intrigued. Perhaps you have senced this truth for some time. Perhaps you are already aware of your identity. Perhaps, as you read this, your heart quickens as an overwhelming sence of joy wells up within you. These words strike a sence of truth deep within your being and you are ready to remember your true self; Your angelic origins and your purpose for being in this world at this time.
Even if you are not a "Fallen one" (angels who descended to the earth)You can become an angel through the same method of empowerment that the Fallen use to awaken to thier angelic memories and power. For, every living being has a connection to the light. And the human anatomy is evolving into a vessle of the light. All that is required is that you counciously activate the power latent within you.