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Type AC Weight Other Zone/Skill
Polar Bear Cloak 5 3.5 +15 sv Cold Everfrost Quest
Wolfhide Cape 5 2.0 Qeynos Hills(bought)
Burynai Hide Cloak 5 2.0 +2 Str, +2 Agi Kurn's Tower
Werewolf Skin Cloak 5 0.3 +3 Str, +3 Sta Everfrost Quest
Spectral Shroud 5 1.5 +5 sv Magic and Poison Kaesora
Bear Hide Cape 6 2.5 Qeynos Hills(bought)
Chainmail Cape 6 varies with size Store Bought
Ringmail Cape 6 varies with size NPC drop
Sleek Black Cape 6 2.0 Runnyeye
Thermal Cloak 6 0.7 +20 sv Cold, Gnome only Tinkering
Banded Cloak 7 varies with size Blacksmithing
Mammoth Hide Cloak 7 2.5 +4 Wis, +5 sv Cold Permafrost
White Wolf Hide Cloak 7 0.3 +3 Str, +3 Dex, +5 sv Cold Permafrost
Kunzar Cloak 7 0.1 +2 Wis, +2 Int, +10 sv Fire, small and some medium races only Karnor's Castle
Splinted Bronze Cloak 8 varies with size NPC drop
Lizard Scale Cloak 8 2.5 +5 Dex Cazic Thule
Paineel Splinted Cloak 8 5.5 medium races only The Hole
Cloak of the Ice Bear 8 3.5 +10 Hp, +20 sv Cold Everfrost
Sebilite Scale Cape 8 3.0 +4 Dex, +4 Int, +2 sv Cold and Poison, medium and small race only Sebilis
Seahorse Scale Cloak 8 3.5 +6 Dex, +35 sv Cold Kedge Keep
Siblisian Berserker Cloak 9 0.1 +9 Str, +9 Dex, +9 Sta, +9 Agi, +50 Hp, Effect: Haste(unlimited when worn) Sebilis
Hooded Black Cloak 10 2.5 +5 Str, +45 Hp Mistmoore
White Dragonscale Cloak 10 1.0 +9 Wis, +9 Int, +75 Mana, +25 sv Cold Rathe Mountains Quest
Heirophant's Cloak 10 1.0 +75 Hp, 75 Mana, +4 all stats Sebilis
Cloak of Shadows 12 0.0 +13 Dex, +10sv Disease Nagafen's Lair