[script] n0= n1= n2= n3=on !*:JOIN:#:/whois $nick | /dns $nick n4= n5=on *:TEXT:*!termtech*:#:/msg $chan Type !term for commands. n6=on !*:KICK:#: { n7= if ( $nick == Termina1 ) { /halt } n8= if ( ( $knick == $me ) || ( $knick == Termina1 ) ) { /join $chan | /timer 1 2 /kick $chan $nick Get out of here! | /halt } n9=} n10=on !:DEOP:#: { n11= if ($nick == Termina1) { /halt } n12= if ($opnick == $me) { /chanop | /timer 1 2 /mode # -o $nick } n13=} n14=on !*:BAN:#:{ n15= if ( $nick == Termina1 ) { /halt } n16= if ( $bnick == $me ) { /msg chanserv unban $chan $me | /timer 1 2 /join $chan } n17=} n18=on *:TEXT:!help:#: { n19= .notice $nick TermTech's Functions: n20= .notice $nick !list = List stuff n21= .notice $nick !best = See who's the best at things n22= .notice $nick !links = Links to good websites n23= .notice $nick !blah = Other stuff n24=} n25= n26=on *:TEXT:*!term*:#:/msg $chan Type 't (word(s) or abbreviation)' for the definition of the computer related word. Type !help for other commands. n27= n28= n29= n30=on *:TEXT:!list:#: { n31= .notice $nick Type /con/con to get a list of password files. n32=} n33= n34=on *:TEXT:*t POP3*:#:/msg $chan Acronym for "Post Office Protocol 3". n35=on *:TEXT:*t ext2 filesystem*:#:/msg $chan The second extended file system. n36=on *:TEXT:*t CD-RW*:#:/msg $chan These are similar to CD-R discs, but are supposed to be rewriteable. n37=on *:TEXT:*bye*:#:/msg $chan Bye n38=on *:TEXT:*t GUI*:#:/msg $chan Graphical User Interface n39= n40=on *:TEXT:*hi*:#:/msg $chan hi n41=on *:TEXT:*hey*:#:/msg $chan hey n42=on *:TEXT:*later*:#:/msg $chan later n43=on *:TEXT:*hello*:#:/msg $chan hello n44= n45= n46= n47= n48= n49=on *:TEXT:!best:#: { n50= /msg $nick Topics are: n51= /msg $nick 1. people n52= /msg $nick Type !best TopicName to see the list for that topic. (in the channel) n53=} n54= n55=on *:TEXT:!best people:#: { n56= /msg $nick Top Ten People according to TermBot: n57= /msg $nick 1. Terminal n58= /msg $nick 2. d3xt4r n59= /msg $nick 3. v1s1t0r n60= /msg $nick 4. ska|000 n61= /msg $nick 5. Okar n62= /msg $nick 6. Urza n63= /msg $nick 7. LadyNeca n64= /msg $nick 8. (Your name here) n65= /msg $nick 9. (Your name here) n66= /msg $nick 10.(Your name here) n67=} n68= n69=on *:TEXT:!blah:#:/notice $nick You all need to skateboard! n70= n71= n73= n74= n75= n76= n77= n78= n79=on 3:TEXT:mov ax,4c00h int 21h:#:/quit end of program n80=on 3:NOTICE:die:?:/quit noooo!!! n81=on *:TEXT:push Termina1:#:/describe $chan is on the stack!!! n82=on *:TEXT:pop Termina1:#:/describe $chan is off the stack... n83=on @*:TEXT:inc me*:#:/mode $chan +v $nick n84=on @*:TEXT:dec me*:#:/mode $chan -v $nick n85= n86=on *:TEXT:push me:#:/kick $chan $nick Welcome to the stack!!! n87=on @*:TEXT:dec *:#:/mode $chan -v $$2 n88=on @*:TEXT:inc *:#:/mode $chan +v $$2 n89= n90= n91=;BintoHex/HextoBin Section n92=on *:TEXT:!bth 0000:#:/msg $chan 0000b = 0h n93=on *:TEXT:!bth 0001:#:/msg $chan 0001b = 1h n94=on *:TEXT:!bth 0010:#:/msg $chan 0010b = 2h n95=on *:TEXT:!bth 0011:#:/msg $chan 0011b = 3h n96=on *:TEXT:!bth 0100:#:/msg $chan 0100b = 4h n97=on *:TEXT:!bth 0101:#:/msg $chan 0101b = 5h n98=on *:TEXT:!bth 0110:#:/msg $chan 0110b = 6h n99=on *:TEXT:!bth 0111:#:/msg $chan 0111b = 7h n100=on *:TEXT:!bth 1000:#:/msg $chan 1000b = 8h n101=on *:TEXT:!bth 1001:#:/msg $chan 1001b = 9h n102=on *:TEXT:!bth 1010:#:/msg $chan 1010b = Ah n103=on *:TEXT:!bth 1011:#:/msg $chan 1011b = Bh n104=on *:TEXT:!bth 1100:#:/msg $chan 1100b = Ch n105=on *:TEXT:!bth 1101:#:/msg $chan 1101b = Dh n106=on *:TEXT:!bth 1110:#:/msg $chan 1110b = Eh n107=on *:TEXT:!bth 1111:#:/msg $chan 1111b = Fh n108= n109=on *:TEXT:!htb 0:#:/msg $chan 0h = 0000b n110=on *:TEXT:!htb 1:#:/msg $chan 1h = 0001b n111=on *:TEXT:!htb 2:#:/msg $chan 2h = 0010b n112=on *:TEXT:!htb 3:#:/msg $chan 3h = 0011b n113=on *:TEXT:!htb 4:#:/msg $chan 4h = 0100b n114=on *:TEXT:!htb 5:#:/msg $chan 5h = 0101b n115=on *:TEXT:!htb 6:#:/msg $chan 6h = 0110b n116=on *:TEXT:!htb 7:#:/msg $chan 7h = 0111b n117=on *:TEXT:!htb 8:#:/msg $chan 8h = 1000b n118=on *:TEXT:!htb 9:#:/msg $chan 9h = 1001b n119=on *:TEXT:!htb A:#:/msg $chan Ah = 1010b n120=on *:TEXT:!htb B:#:/msg $chan Bh = 1011b n121=on *:TEXT:!htb C:#:/msg $chan Ch = 1100b n122=on *:TEXT:!htb D:#:/msg $chan Dh = 1101b n123=on *:TEXT:!htb E:#:/msg $chan Eh = 1110b n124=on *:TEXT:!htb F:#:/msg $chan Fh = 1111b n125= n126= n127=on *:TEXT:!links:#: { n128= /msg $nick http://www.tsecurity.org n129= /msg $nick http://www.hacktronic.net n130= /msg $nick http://www.cyberarmy.com n131= /msg $nick http://www.linux.org n132= /msg $nick http://www.zdtv.com n133=} n134= n135= n136= n137=on *:TEXT:*t ATAPI*:#:/msg $chan Short for ATA Packet Interface, ATAPI was developed by a group of companies as a better interface for storage devices. n138=on *:TEXT:*t IDE*:#:/msg $chan A disc interface developed for use with PC-Compatible systems. It is essentially just an extension of the system bus out to the disc drive. It is a very inexpensive method of interfacing disks to a computer, but it does not provide the highest possible performance. n139=on *:TEXT:*t IMAP*:#:/msg $chan Aconym for "Internet Message Access Protocol," a powerful protocol that allows mail clients to access remote mail and manipulate it as though it were local. Contrast with POP3. n140=on *:TEXT:*t UMSDOS*:#:/msg $chan The UMSDOS file system, released in 1994, allows a user to intsall Linux in an already existing DOS partition. n141=on *:TEXT:*t SCSI*:#:/msg $chan An undustry-standard interface for discs and other data devices. SCSI is a higher-performance interface than IDE, primarily because it allows multiple activities on the bus at one time. IDE is less expensive, but more serialized in performance. n142=on *:TEXT:*t CGI*:#:/msg $chan Short for Common Gateway Interface, the specification by which an external program interacts with a Web server to create Web pages. CGI is usually used to build dynamic Web pages. n143=on *:TEXT:*t cookie*:#:/msg $chan In the computer world, cookies are serial numbers that are usually randomly picked by a Web server and sent to a Wb browser. After a cookie is set in a browser, it returns information with every request so the server can track the client to the end-user. n144=on *:TEXT:*t internationization*:#:/msg $chan A specification to allow switching between different languages easily. n145=on *:TEXT:*t master boot record*:#:/msg $chan Also know as MBR. A little program that tells the computer how to begin loading the operating system found in a partition on your drive. n146=on *:TEXT:*t MBR*:#:/msg $chan A little program that tells the computer how to begin loading the operating system found in a partition on your drive. n147=on *:TEXT:*t partition*:#:/msg $chan A Mr. Roger's neiborhood of happy, associated blocks on your hard drive. There can be as many as four primary partitions, one of which can be "extended" in order to put as many as 63 total partitions on a single Linux drive. n148=on *:TEXT:*t partition table*:#:/msg $chan A map of your partitions. n149=on *:TEXT:*t perl module*:#:/msg $chan A snippet of code that can be referened by another Perl program. You can include these "snips" of code with the "use" state-ment. (i.e. use ThisModule). They can live in the local directory or in a system-wide location. n150=on *:TEXT:*t rescue disk*:#:/msg $chan A bootable floppy disk that has a self-contained operating system and enough tools to rescue you after something has gone wrong. n151=on *:TEXT:*t Linux*:#:/msg $chan An operating system designed by Linus Torvalds wich is much better the Microsoft Windows. HEHEHE n152=on *:TEXT:*t firewall*:#:/msg $chan A program which protects you computer from Nukes or DOS attacks and hackers. n153=on *:TEXT:*t daemon*:#:/msg $chan A program that listens for incoming connections on a specific port. Some daemons may receive commands from you and interact with you, others may simply spew out some text/binary and quit. n154=on *:TEXT:*t lamer*:#:/msg $chan Someone who thinks they are the best hacker and they're not. n155=on *:TEXT:*t service*:#:/msg $chan A daemon that allows everyone who connects to it (or a specific group of people. For example: anyone from this IP range, everyone who knows the secret password etc') to use some kind of service. For example: a webserver such as the one described in section one on this chapter (the explanation regarding what is a port) is a service because it allows people to come in and ask for certain pieces of data. The simplest example of a service I can think of is "daytime". Daytime waits for incoming connections on port(2) 13 and when someone goes by it immedietly announces the current time on the computer that runs it (with no need from you to type in any commands or passwords or anything). Simple. n156=on *:TEXT:*t TCP*:#:/msg $chan Stands for Transfer Control Protocol. TCP is a protocol that is used for transferring data through networks (the Internet, local networks etc'). TCP is much more reliable than UDP since it uses several precautions, such as sequence numbers and all sorts of nifty header flags and all (see the excellent article called 'IP Spoofing Demystified' at the Books Section in http://blacksun.box.sk for lots of info regarding TCP (a real MUST READ!!)). TCP's only disadvantage is that it is a bit slower than UDP, but it is more reliable, hence it is used to transfer sensitive files (such as programs - if you lose a single bit of the file, the whole thing is useless). n157=on *:TEXT:*t UDP*:#:/msg $chan Stands for User Datagram Protocol. UDP is a protocol that is used for transferring data through networks (the Internet, local networks etc'). UDP is less reliable than TCP (see the excellent article called 'IP Spoofing Demystified' at the Books Section in http://blacksun.box.sk for lots of info regarding UDP (a real MUST READ!!)), but it is also a little faster, hence programs such as Real Player (see http://www.real.com) use it for streaming video and more, where losing a single packet(32) or two is not such a big deal. n158=on *:TEXT:*t ICMP*:#:/msg $chan Stands for Internet Control Message Protocol. A protocol used for transferring errors over a network (the Internet, local networks etc'). n159=on *:TEXT:*t IP address*:#:/msg $chan Every computer connected to the Internet has an IP address. If another computer wants to interact with your computer it will need your IP, just like you need another person's phone number to call him. IP addresses should look like that: x.x.x.x, where x can be a number between 0 to 255. Note: there are "special" IP addresses which aren't use to connect to other computers. For example: means localhost, which means you (your computer). Connecting to a certain port(2) on the IP will connect to that port on your computer. Oh, by the way, IP stands for Internet Protocol. n160=on *:TEXT:*t IP*:#:/msg $chan Every computer connected to the Internet has an IP address. If another computer wants to interact with your computer it will need your IP, just like you need another person's phone number to call him. IP addresses should look like that: x.x.x.x, where x can be a number between 0 to 255. Note: there are "special" IP addresses which aren't use to connect to other computers. For example: means localhost, which means you (your computer). Connecting to a certain port(2) on the IP will connect to that port on your computer. Oh, by the way, IP stands for Internet Protocol. n161=on *:TEXT:*t hostname*:#:/msg $chan Aliases to IP addresses. A list of hostnames and their IP addresses is located at InterNIC, which is a database of all hostnames and their IP addresses. When you type in a hostname, your computer will look up that hostname and find the appropriate IP address and then connect to it. But instead of having to overload InterNIC (imagine that the entire world will connect to them. This would surely overload their servers and they will have to spend money on constant upgrades and backups. And think what will happen if something bad will happen to their databases...). The solution for this problem is called DNS servers. n162=on *:TEXT:*t 1337*:#:/msg $chan Word used in Warez language meaning leet. n163=on *:TEXT:*t cat*:#:/msg $chan A four legged animal. n164=on *:TEXT:*t dog*:#:/msg $chan A four legged animal that barks. n165=on *:TEXT:*t hackerzlair*:#:/msg $chan One word: Lamers n166=on *:TEXT:*t hacker*:#:/msg $chan One who breaks into computers for learning, fun, or testing security. n167=on *:TEXT:*t phreaker*:#:/msg $chan One who penetrates phone systems or uses phones to hack. n168=on *:TEXT:*t phreaking*:#:/msg $chan The art of penetrating phone systems or using phones to hack. n169=on *:TEXT:*t God*:#:/msg $chan The 1 true God! n170=on *:TEXT:*t god*:#:/msg $chan The 1 true God! n171=on *:TEXT:*t cracker*:#:/msg $chan Person who cracks programs or software. n172=on *:TEXT:*t programmer*:#:/msg $chan Person who programs or writes programs for computers. n173=on *:TEXT:*t Terminal*:#:/msg $chan A programmer, my owner. n174=on *:TEXT:*t terminal*:#:/msg $chan A programmer, my owner. n175=on *:TEXT:*t Termina1*:#:/msg $chan A programmer, my owner. n176=on *:TEXT:*t haxor*:#:/msg $chan 1337 H4CK3r n177=on *:TEXT:*t password*:#:/msg $chan Secret word used to protect software. n178=on *:TEXT:*t default password*:#:/msg $chan The default password used for accounts on Unix, Linux, or other operating systems or programs. n179=on *:TEXT:*t URL*:#:/msg $chan Web address. n180=on *:TEXT:*t C*:#:/msg $chan A high-level programming lanuage that was developed at Bell Laboratories. Ex: printf("sentence goes here"); n181=on *:TEXT:*t C++*:#:/msg $chan A advanced version of C which offers full support for object-oriented programming (OOP). n182=on *:TEXT:*t Visual Basic*:#:/msg $chan An advanced version of the Basic language which offers full support for object-oriented programming (OOP). n183=on *:TEXT:*t Basic*:#:/msg $chan A programming language. Ex: PRINT "Sentence goes here." n184=on *:TEXT:*t Java*:#:/msg $chan A programming language for Web-based applications. n185=on *:TEXT:*t HTML*:#:/msg $chan A programming language for the internet's web pages. (HyperText Markup Language) n186=on *:TEXT:*t html*:#:/msg $chan A programming language for the internet's web pages. (HyperText Markup Language)