Although genetic mutations rarely occur, they must be taken into account. Most genetic mutations are harmful, fatal, or neutral, but the Theory of Evolution requires that some were beneficial. This can't be true. For example, a fish which mutates at the begining of its life might grow a small part of a lung. Rather than benefiting the fish, the lung would be a useless organ. The fish will succumb to natural selection because it is not as fit as other fish. This is true for any other genetic mutation.
Natural selection is the term used to explain how the strongest animal in any environment survives longer than the weakest. This is a proven concept. However, it doesn't prove the Theory of Evolution, as Darwin suggested.
The story of the British moths illustrates natural selection. Before the Industrial Revolution, white lichens covered many trees in England. Black moths were easily seen on the white lichens and became easy prey for birds. White moths lived longer because they were not seen as easily. The Industrial Revolution covered many trees with soot, killing the lichens. As a result, the white moths became more visible to birds. The ratio of white moths to black moths gradually changed, and black moths became more common.
This is a prime example of natural selection, but it does not prove the Theory of Evolution. The only factor that changed was the ratio of black moths to white moths. In fact, there were black moths all along, but they were eaten sooner than white moths because of their environment. After the Industrial Revolution, the moths showed no signs of changing into any other animal.
Does natural selection prove the Theory of Evolution? No.