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The Laws of Thermodynamics

*The following is from Origin of Life: Evolution Disproved-Evidence for Creation:*

The First Law of Thermodynamics

The First Law of Thermodynamics states the following: The total amount of energy in our Universe, or in any isolated part of it, remains constant. Furthermore, energy can be transformed from one form into another, but it cannot be created and cannot be destroyed. As a consequence, the current amount of energy in the Universe has been in existence for a long time. Natural processes cannot create energy, thus this energy could have been produced only by a force outside our Universe.

According to evolutionists, complex organisms evolved from the simpler ones. Simple organisms formed from matter and energy. They state that matter and energy created themselves from nothing. This contradicts the First Law. On the contrary, Creation is supernatural, stands above the laws of nature. God can create matter, energy and laws that govern them.

According to The First Law, the cosmos could not have created itself, thus an external force must have existed to create it.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics

The Second Law of Thermodynamics, also called the Law of Increasing Entropy, is a general and universal law that can be formulated in several ways:

  • According to The Second Law of Thermodynamics, the energy available for useful work decreases in an isolated system, although the total amount of energy remains constant. This is because energy can transform only into lower forms of energy through natural processes. For example, electric current passing through a light bulb ends up transforming into heat, which is the lowest "quality" energy consisting of chaotic molecular movement.
  • This Second Law introduces the concept of entropy, a measure of disorder. Entropy constantly increases in any isolated system. In other words, the system becomes disorganized and energy becomes less usable.
  • Based on this law, the amount of information conveyed by a system continually decreases and its quality deteriorates.

    Basically, the law states that natural processes disorganize the state of objects and systems. Over time, everything decays and becomes disorganized. The Universe irreversibly heads toward maximum disorganization. Just think about what happens with our house if we "comfortably" leave it by itself for a while, we don't clean up, arrange and mend all the time. Natural processes constantly destroy and disorganize it. Our house needs our useful and expedient work to maintain the order. Even atomic particles search the lowest energy levels, they "like comfort". The amount of information and the complexity of our Universe perpetually decreases instead of increasing. According to evolutionary theory, life on Earth progresses from simple to complex and never vice versa. Everything becomes more and more organized and entropy constantly decreases.

    According to The Second Law, if our Universe was infinitely old, it would be dead and destroyed already. But this is not the case, so it must also have had a beginning. Sometime in the past the Universe had been created and the cosmic processes were started.