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Here are some links you may find useful in your campaign against the Dorkshire Dictators.

The Down With Dorkshire website

A website designed by one of Dorkshire's most prominent enemies, Katie Johnson, with some images provided by the rebel leader John Clay, both of whom were supposed to have been captured and executed by the Dorkshire Secret Police, but were able to escape - further evidence of Dorkshire's inadequecies. An excellent site, that is helping in the fight to undermine the authority of the Dorkshire Dictators.

The Dorkshire New Age

Run by the mysterious Shadow, this organisation opposes Alex and Graham as leaders of Dorkshire. It is dangerous however, as it seems to work for the replacement of one Dictator for another, rather than the freedom of Dorks to choose how they run their life.

The United Nations Anti-Dorkshire campaign.

A web site set up by Mr Kofi wossisname, the Secretary-General of the UN, who is understandably concerned about the goings on in Dorkshire.