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TODAY'S SESSION - Click here to begin your spiritual disciplines.

SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES - Learn about the spiritual disciplines. (Coming Soon!)

HOW TO USE THIS SITE - Scroll down to learn how to use this site. (Please read these instructions before beginning.)

Spiritual disciplines have been part of the church for centuries. They have been used by Christians of all ages to develop/maintain a strong relationship with God. The most common spiritual disciplines are:

You may have experimented with one or more of these disciplines at various times and probably had varying results. Usually our interest in a spiritual disciple wanes or we conclude it after a set period of time (the Season of Lent for example).

This site is designed to help you stay on track with your spiritual discipline. It combines ALL of the above mentioned disciplines into one daily activity.

The session was designed to be done in an office or cubicle during a lunch break, at home during a quiet time of the day in place of television, or at school or college during a break in the library or computer lab.

Each session consists of 6 steps:

1) CENTER YOURSELF. Start by lighting a candle or finding an object for contemplative reflection that has some spiritual signifigance (a cross, painting of Jesus, a dove sculpture, etc.). Once you know the steps by heart, a screen saver or computer graphic can be used. DO THIS EVERY TIME.

2) PRAY. Say a short prayer asking that your heart and mind be open to the experience.

3) READ SCRIPTURE. You have several options here:

Self-directed Study: Use your own Bible and select a passage, either at random or a place you'd like to start if you intend to read a book in its entirety. I highly recommend this option because you can make marks in your own Bible if there is something that stands out or something you have a question about.

On-line Self-directed Study: Another option is to use an online Bible such as Gateway. And choose randomly or follow a book or chapter.

On-line Daily Study: The American Bible Society offers a daily scripture passage that can be used as your daily passage. Click HERE to see today's lesson. (Use your browser's BACK button to return.

4) MEDITATE. Take a few moments a meditate on what you've read. Read it again after a few minutes and see if any new insight occurs. Meditate on your day so far and what God has done for you already today. Use your candle or other object to help you center yourself and keep your mind from wandering.

5) JOURNAL. Email yourself a journal entry (to be added soon), open a word processor program, or actually write in a journal. Write as much or as little as you like. Write about your experience with the scripture or on anything that has come to mind during your meditation.

6) PRAY. Conclude your session by praying. Keep a list of prayer joys and concerns as you think of them throughout the session and use that list to guide you in your prayer.

What about FASTING?

That choice is yours. Work through this session during your lunch hour and hold yourself to just a glass of water. Or chose a period of time each week that you intend to fast (usually only missing 2 meals). But if you've ever had any eating-related problems (beulemia, anerexia, etc.) please consider not including fasting in your spiritual disciplines.

Begin Today's Session

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