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Don't worry, when we say quiz we don't mean something that you've had to study for! What follows is a series of statements. You are asked to choose the statement that MOST CLOSELY corresponds with what you believe. There may be a couple of statements that hold about the same weight for you, but make a decission for the one that MOST CLOSELY says what you believe.

There is no time limit for this quiz. You may repeat it as many times as you like. In fact, you may find that your beliefs change from time to time.

The first thing that you will be asked to do is print the following page. If you do not have a printer, you can simply jot down the outline on a piece of scrap paper.

There are 11 catagories with 7 choices in each catagory. Once you've chosen an answer for the last catagory, you will see which theologies correspond with your answers.
