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Hermione Granger is a very good friend of Harry's. She is an extremely good student, and at times seems a bit uppity. She has bushy brown hair and slightly large front teeth until her fourth year. Both of her parents are muggles and dentists. She wants to have a well rounded background in wizardry and believes she had a late start in learning because she never knew about the wizarding world until she received the letter from Hogwarts. She believes strongly in doing the right and legal thing, and cares much about her friends. -Natalie Pietrini

Hermione is of muggle and witch blood. Which means that she is half muggle and witch, Draco Malfoy calls her 'Mudblood' this term is a rude and insulting, which fits Draco perfectly. Hermione's parents are dentists. She has thick brown curly hair, she wear glasses and is not skinny, but not a 'Oh my god she's fat'. Hermione's best friend is Harry and Ron. In the fourth book, Hermione changes her looks for one night at the Yule Ball. She makes her hair straight and she had Madame Pomfrey fix her excessively large teeth to be small, she had a beautiful dress also. I think that Hermione has a thing for Ron or Harry or even Viktor, maybe he will be in the next one. Hermione has a bottle-tailed cat named Crookshanks he is a clever cat. Hmmm, maybe he is an animigus like Sirius, and he will become somebody in the fifth book. Like Scabbers turned to Wormtail. Sent in by Willow.

Hermione is a student at Hogwarts, and is the best friend of Ron and Harry. She is a brilliant girl, and does very well in school. she is my favorite character with Dumbledore and Hagrid, just because I think she is smart and a loyal and good friend. You can rely on her whenever you have a problem. She should become a prefect later( probably will!) or even Head girl. After consulting this website, it says that it will happen. Go Hermione! Sent in by Lara

Hermione Granger is one of Harry's best friends. She has muggle parents, but she makes up for it by being working especially hard at her work and doing magic very well. She is the cleverest student in her class. She helps Harry a lot with her knowledge whenever they are on adventures. She has a cat named Crookshanks.
Submitted by T.Sukumaran

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