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Voldermort is derived from the little well known evil wizard named Voldermortist, which means "Lord of Evil" in another language. The legand is he tried to destroy Merlin (before the time of King Arthur) by bewitching good people and bribbing those who were already evil. Legend is Merlin destroyed Voldermortist by usin a simple paralizing charm (the full body bind) fed him to the mag headed beasts(fluffy), freed the bewitched people, and destroyed the evil men. This was about 12 of 13 years before king Arthur. Sent in Shirly.

As a child, Voldemort went to Hogwarts. Then his name was Tom Riddle. When he grew up he became the dark wizard Voldemort. When he tried to kill Harry he couldn't and he was weakened. He crawled away half dead while harry was only left with a scar. Sent in by EBMOONDAT

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