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Ron is Harry's best friend at Hogwarts. They first met on the Hogwarts Express when Harry sat with Ron. Ron first had a pet rat, Scabbers, but he later turned out to be an anigmus and turned into Wormtail, Voldemorts servant. He gets a new owl he names Pigwidgeon. He grew up in a family with 5 brothers and a sister. They all went through Hogwarts, even though they are very poor. Ron seems to have the worst luck out of Harry, Hermione, and himself. He always has to wear hand-me-downs from his brothers, or buy used clothing. Ron gets jealous of Harry alot because he's famous, but it always works itself out. Ron is my favorite character out of all the books! from ~sara~

Ron has six brothers and a sister, the oldest to the youngest. Charlie a Dragon Catcher, Bill he works at Gringrotts, Percy at the Ministry of Magic, Fred and George still in school they are going to start a joke shop, Ron still in school wants to play Quiditch for England, Ginny still in school. Ron's father Arthur Weasley works at the Ministry of Magic; Molly Weasley is a stay at home mum. In Ron's family they have an old Grandfather clock it tells where everybody is instead of the time. Ron has a tawny his name is Pigwidgeon, Pig for short. Ron's family is an all around great family but they are very poor, hand-me-downs are all that Ron's get for clothes. Sent in by Willow.

Ron is Harry's best friend, Hermione's too, of course. although Ron can get REALLY angry with Hermione. His family is VERY poor and are lucky enough to have been able to pay for i think 7 children to go to Hogwarts. that is probably the reason they are very poor. They have sooo many kids and they are wizards so it costs alot for brooms, robes, books and alot of other things. this is why Ron always has had-me-down-stuff even Scabbers ( Pettigrew ) was his brothers. Personly I feel very sorry for ginny expecially since she's the youngest. I still feel sorry for ron but he's not the youngest. They live in a magical house where even the mirror talks and tells u what to do to make u look neater. Ron Weasley is VERY, VERY, VERY good at wizard chess and seems to be fun to play with. Sent in by Cazy.

I have heard that Ron Weasly may have came from "Running Weasel". Running Weasel was suposedly a warlord in the 6th dynasty(of what I do not know) and was killed by a rat that his soldiers had dyed yellow earlier that day when the rat knocked over a lamp, burning his palace to the ground. -John

His father had a flying car and Ron and Harry use it to get to Hogwarts after they miss the train. Ron and Harry run out of fuel and land in a tree called the Whomping Willow. It bashes the car with Ron and Harry in it. Ron's wand gets broken. Sent by James

There is an old legend about somebody named Running Weasel, which means Ron Weasley in English. In the legend the man is a brilliant stratagist who never loses a game of chess. At the end of the legend the man is killed by a rat turned yellow by soldiers. Sent in by Shirly.

Also Ron has flaming red hair and is 13 years old. He has a Shooting Star for a broom and is afraid of spiders. Sent in by Rollorpoke.

Ron is one of Harry's best friends. He has 5 brothers, Fred nad George who are twins, Percy, who is a Hogwarts perfect, Bill and Charlie. Ron also has one sister named Ginny. Ron is in the Gryffindor tower, and accompanys Harry and Hermione on thier adventures. The Weasleys are very poor.-Greg

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