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School was delayed for a couple of days. Fore the one who was thought to be destroyed was indeed and alive again. A trial was scheduled and set. And soon things were as normal as a day at Hogwarts can be.

The dance had been rescheduled a good while later, but it was still on Saturday. Now it was Saturday evening. Dinner was set and done with. Soon the first dance of the history of Hogwarts was nearing its toll. The Gryffindors who were allowed hurried about for the time they prepared for. The Gryffindors were preparing for the big night by setting their hair, smoothing their robes, and getting the last and final preparations done.

The time neared and bodies rushed about. Soon the common room was filled with busy people waiting to be admitted. Harry bumped about the chattering people looking for his friends. He felt a light tug on his sleeve and turned around to see Hermione.

She was dressed in a light purple robe. Her hair was up and done in a messy bun. Her eyes sparkled with delight showing Harry a new side of her. The moment was broken as Ron bustled by.

He and Harry were both dressed in a dark midnight blue. Professor McGongall came into the common room and nodded. In a sudden rush people stumbled and tripped their way towards the painting.

When they got to the Great Hall, it caught the surprise of many. The ceiling was a mystical night sky, which sparkled and shined. The regular bright lights of the hall were down. It was replaced instead with strobe lights and mystical disco balls.

On the stage was Lee Jordan sitting along with tons of machinery. Harry realized that he was the one who was running the music. Students from other houses poured into the hall with stunned looks on their faces at the sudden transformation.

The music banged from all sides and corners of the hall. Not knowing what to do or say for this was the first dance. The light danced around and sparkled playing with the vision of many.

Soon the hall was filled. On the sides of the Hall were set up tables full of food and drink. Though who would eat anymore after dinner is a wonder thought Harry. He looked around and eyed many of which he knew.

Awkwardly he stood around not knowing what to do. Soon the music and talking stopped and people started to look up at the stage. Dumbledore, cheery faced, stood there waiting.

When he had gotten their attention he began, "As you know this is the first dance Hogwarts has ever had-"

Claps cut him off.

"-And all I'd like to say, make it the best dance Hogwarts has ever seen!"

Clapping started again along with the music.

Harry turned around to see Hermione chatting with Lavender about the homework they had in Transfiguration. Harry nudged Ron and showed him the scene. They ended up dragging Hermione from asking what page the questions were on.

"Come on, lighten up," Harry said.

"Yeah Hermione, you should actually relax, its not like we actually have homework due tomorrow," Ron added impatiently.

"I agree, you've been working too hard."

They looked around only to see many people standing around awkwardly. Though a few were actually dancing, most of them didn't know what to do. A slow song came up. They looked around again to see people asking others to dance. The 4th years shrugged their shoulders and followed their lead.

Ron nervously asked Hermione, who accepted. Looking around to see what to do, Hermione limply placed her arms around Ron's neck. This was a rather unusual site because of his height. Ron looked around as well and placed his hands on Hermione's waist.

Harry suppressed a laugh and turned around to look for a dance partner. He decided to go for the first girl he saw, which happened to be Lavender. She accepted. The two started dancing together.

Harry looked around; fore it was rather uncomfortable to look the person you're dancing with straight in the eye. He eyed many of his friends, who were also dancing. He looked around a bit more and something caught his eye and almost made him laugh.

There near the other side of the hall, was Malfoy and Rose dancing together. They must've been an unusual pair. Rose had an obvious look of annoyance and disgust on her face as the two danced along to the music. Malfoy was looking straight directly at her, which would make anyone uncomfortable. Just then Rose caught his eye, for the second time.

The two made eye contact, from Harry's point of view she looked irritably annoyed and bored. Who wouldn't be thought Harry. The stare was suddenly broken, when Malfoy tripped, which brought Rose down with him. She quickly stood up and looked down at the pathetic heap trying to suppress her laughter.

When Malfoy had straightened up, the awkward two started dancing again. Harry could notice a slight tinge of red in his cheeks. Harry stared off into space thinking about the scene they had just caused. Malfoy was falling head over heels for Rose, thought Harry, literally. He was beginning to feel sorry for her, but the change of music snapped him out of concentration.

He let go of Lavender and went towards Ron and Hermione who were waiting for him. Harry told them about how Malfoy was falling head of heels over the new girl. They suppressed laughter until the end of his tale.

The next couple of songs were pretty up beat and loud, which made it difficult for the threesome to talk. Another slow dance came to the rescue. Harry asked Hermione who accepted. Ron asked Parvati Patil, who nervously accepted. Harry looked around a bit more, seeing Malfoy and Rose dancing again, which made Harry cringe with disgust.

Harry nudged Hermione gently in the elbow and nodded his head at the funny duo. Hermione tried to hold the smile from her face, but was failing horribly. Harry also noticed that the average silent social walls were gradually getting taken down, brick by brick.

Ravenclaws danced with the other houses, including the Slytherins. It was the same with Hufflepuffs and of course the Slytherins. Though the Gryffindors were dancing with other groups, only a few daring ones crossed the unspoken line and mingled with the Slytherins. Harry's thought was soon broken by a crash and laughing. He ignored them with annoyance.

With the music banging, the mood seemed to set in. Everyone was relaxed and chattering, trying to get heard of the music. Eventually the slow dance music was stopped, and substituted by some quick upbeat rhythms. Ron came over to where Harry and Hermione were, with an unmistakable expression on his face of something over joyously funny.

"Wipe that smile off your face, unless you feel like telling us what's so funny," Hermione said wittingly.

"Did you see what Crabbe did?" Ron asked controlling his laughter.

Hermione and Harry shook their heads, wondering what in the world could be this hilarious.

"Well…" Ron broke off, with a new wave of laughter. "Okay," he said, controlling himself. "Crabbe was holding a glass of pumpkin juice…" Ron broke off again.

Harry glanced back at Hermione, who in response gave a confused look.

"Well, he was walking by Malfoy, and he stepped back…" Ron started laughing again. "And he knocked Crabbe over. Crabbe tripped and tumbled into the drink table. The whole table was knocked over, and the juice bowl full of pumpkin juice fell on Crabbe's head." Ron stopped and started chuckling again.

Hermione also started up in a small fit of giggles. Harry also started laughing at what Ron had said. He looked to where Malfoy was. He could distinctly see the table tipped over and the juices and drinks had flooded a small section, where students were avoiding.

Harry saw that near the juice spill, Rose was also giggling uncontrollably. Malfoy was also trying not to laugh at the act of Crabbe. Teachers were already at the scene, trying to control the crowd. He ignored them all. Within a couple of seconds the mess was cleaned up, and Crabbe was amazingly dry. The only thing, which wasn't under the teacher's power, was loud laughter and giggles.

Word spread that a challenge was set and running. The challenge was that, at least one boy and girl from each grade of Slytherin and Gryffindor would have to dance closely, with full attention drawn to one another and slowly with the other for the last dance of the night. The catch was that it should be absolutely obvious that the two who are going to dance together hate each other. Another bad thing about it was that the "chosen ones" have to share a kiss in the end.

The ones, who were brave enough to do it, would be honored with the title "Most Daring Person of the Year". Bets were already high on Hermione and Harry. From what they've heard, Malfoy and Rose were also the highs as well. Though the last dance was quite a bit of ways away, the students at Hogwarts liked to prepare.

George and Fred were the ticket masters of this secret operation. Hermione bit her lip as she overheard some of the silent crowd around George and Fred. Harry also was pretty nervous about it as well. Soon the end ticked nearer and nearer.

Eleven O' Clock ticked nearer and nearer. Excitement was already buzzing around like bees in a hive. Soon Lee Jordan announced that it was the time for the last and final song.

The two nominated ones from each grade walked nervously up towards the center of the Hall, meeting their match. The "nominated" ones could also chicken out, and the runner up would take his or hers place, but this would cause extreme embarrassment. Harry took a deep breath and walked next to Hermione towards the center. Harry took in some more deep breaths hoping that it would comfort his nervousness. His plan was failing.

Harry looked across the hall, to see the predicted walk up. Malfoy glared at Harry, who returned the same glance. Malfoy turned his gaze towards Hermione. She stared at him angrily. Harry looked towards Rose, who seemed contented that Malfoy wasn't dancing with her, but a bit uncomfortable that she had to dance with Harry. Harry had mixed feelings about dancing with Rose. Harry took in another deep breath.

Rose was dressed in a dark mahogany red robe. Her eyes sparkled as always in the same emerald green. Her hair was curled and arranged in an elegant matter. Harry was a little bit taller than she was. She smiled lazily at Harry. He watched her as her eyes scanned the room looking for a spot of refuge. Finding none she turned her attention back to him instead.

The music soon started. Students let a circle for their use, but they gathered tightly around it. Harry smiled weakly at Ron, who was almost bursting out in laughter. Harry put his arms around her waist. Rose wrapped her arms lazily around Harry's neck. The eyes of the two met. There was something undoubtedly familiar about her thought Harry.

Harry looked into her eyes trying to read her thoughts. As a result, he came out empty-handed.

"So you also got voted here?" she whispered.

"Yeah," Harry replied, wondering about the sudden conversation.

"The things we have to do for their amusement," she sighed again.

Harry nodded.

"Well, they're going to get what they paid for right?" Rose said winking at him.

Harry stared back at her wondering what she meant, until it hit him. He thought about it for a moment longer. He raised an eyebrow at her. She nodded slowly back in response. Harry understood clearly, and stopped the urge of an oncoming laugh. Harry nodded back.

Rose made the first response back by gently placing her head on his shoulder. The two leaned closer together. Harry scanned the crowd. Who were very astonished. Harry held back his laughter.

Soon the others also caught the drift. They made friends with their enemies to fool their friends. Though they disliked the idea a lot, even Hermione and Malfoy also went with the flow. Soon the dance was nearing its end. The onlookers watched anxiously on. The eight dancing pairs knew their part, and they played it well.

The music faded away, and the big moment arrived. Harry bent his head down. He heard her take a deep breath. She looked up. From the corner of his eye he could also see Hermione nervously looking at Malfoy. Their lips touched. Rose wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him deep into the embrace. Soon the kiss was over as well as the kiss. They backed away a bit.

They looked at the others, and knew they had done the same. The Hall was silent. Rose broke the silence, by bowing to the crowd. The others followed her lead. The crowd was staring there with puzzled faces.

She let out a laugh and announced loudly, "Well, that's a wrap to our masterpiece theater. We hope you enjoyed the show!"

She and the others gave one last bow, which was greeted by laughing and applause. Soon, puzzled teachers were telling them to go to bed. While walking up the stairs our favorite trio talked about the night.

"You should've seen your face!" Harry said to Ron.

"Well how was I suppose to know it was an act?" replied Ron.

"Serves you right for putting bets on us," added Hermione.

He smiled back sheepishly.

Harry shook his head in wonder.

"So how was your dance with Malfoy?" Harry asked.

"Not so good," Hermione replied back grudgingly.

The conversation ended there. Soon they were in bed, tired and exhausted. Harry remembered back to when he and Rose were dancing. There is something special about her, he thought. There's also something familiar about her as well. Sleepy, Harry stopped wondering and fell asleep with thoughts about the upcoming Quidditch game, which was Gryffindor vs. Slytherin.
