Here is where I get to blab all about myself.... Well not all..........

So here's the scoop. I won't tell you my age... (who would :) My name....(to protect the sanity of people who might know me) where I live....(see previous reason) Or anything I don't want to talk to you about. Remember this is..... A HARRY POTTTER SITE!!!! not my own personal page....

I like to read Harry Potter. (duh how dumb is that) I like the X-files. So don't send me anything saying you don't like it! Cauz as i said this is MY little page and MY opionion. If you want to critisize go somewhere else... The X-file's theme song is playing..... So don't make fun of me for people who do know me. (i'm pretty sure they won't admit it though)

I also like anime..... Such as Sailor Moon!!! Go Rei! For people who understand.... I spend my time on the internet. (That's obvious....) So back to my life....

As you can say my life is average... With the exception of this web site. Let's seee.... what else should I tell you.....

Oh yes.... The most important thing of all.... I'm computer CRAZY!!! I love technology and computers.... And anything high tec! Of Course, I sometimes like listening to music. And there's alot of other stuff, but i don't want to bore you..... Do i????? Also... (oh noooooo more) :P My dream a good fan fiction... A crossover for the x-files and Harry Potter!!!! oooooooo.... the suspence. See what happens when Mulder and Scully get too close to finding out about the wizarding comunity. :)

Please note that the picture of Rei is taken from a S.M. Website. I didn't make the picture. I'd be glad to tell you where but I cant.
