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A flash of green light lit the room, which froze time and space for a moment.

"Argh! A loud surprised shout came from the other mourner.

Ron and Hermione turned around to see who would dare disturb the silence, only to see a terrified and shocked Draco Malfoy.

He was pointing his hand at Rose. Angrily, Hermione and Ron came to see what the fuss was. They walked over. The impossible has happened. Animation was brought to the inanimate.

Hermione gasped. Ron stared with his jaw dropped. Malfoy looked equally surprised. Madam Promfey just walked in the room because of the noise. Seeing a crowd around Rose's bed, she walked over and was equally surprised.

Rose's hand was moving ever so slightly and there was a distinct breathing coming from her as well. A couple of more fingers moved, as if testing their strength after a long rest.

She regained enough strength to lift her hand up to her face, where she brushed a couple of strands of hair away. Then she managed to pull herself up to a sitting position. She blinked a couple of times before realizing where she was. She looked around dazed and saw a group of people surrounding her. Rose stared from one person to the next, each with the same astonished look on their face.

"What?" she said in a confused voice.

"You were… you were," Hermione started.

"Well," she said in annoyance.

"You were well," she stopped for a moment, "dead."

The room was silent for a while.

"Well, I guess I'm not, unless that's a problem?" she asked in dry humor.

There was another rustle of movement in the next bed. They turned their attention to Harry, who was sitting up as well.

"Now don't tell me he's supposed to be dead as well?" Rose said seeing the fascinated looks on their faces.

He regained consciousness and then turned to see all the people staring. As if on cue Madam Promfrey, came in because of the sudden outburst in the silence.

She walked in and gave out a gasp. Everyone turned around to look at her. She stared on and just left the room. She came back within a few minutes with Dumbledore along with her.

The expression on Dumbledore's face was surprised and rather happy. They stopped at the doorway to see the people in the room staring back at them. He walked in and sat on a nearby chair.

"So, you're back?" Dumbledore said quite calmly and merrily.

"What do you mean? Back from what?" Rose asked slowly.

"Ah, we thought and we were uh… quite positive that you were," Dumbledore stopped for a moment before continuing, "dead."

"Oh, so you believe that too!" Rose said abruptly. She stopped at the sudden silence and she looked around the room once more. "You're serious, aren't you?"

They all nodded without a hint of a smile on their faces.

"You're saying that we were dead, and now we're not?" Harry asked with a confused expression.

He was replied by some nods.

"Okay, would anyone care to explain this unusual situation to us?" she asked.

There was no answer.

"Well, if you all feel better now, you better go back on to you're common rooms, or they're be missing you," Dumbledore finally said.

They got up awkwardly and their friends accompanied them. Students goggled at their appearance to be healthy and very much alive. Harry, Hermione and Ron managed to get back to their common rooms in silence.

They said the password and walked in. Suddenly everyone in the room stopped and looked up at them. They stared on in disbelief. Harry looked at one sad face to the next. Then it suddenly hit him. They were sad because he was "gone".

Soon a crowd was around him. Asking question that he couldn't explain. He managed to get to his dorm without too much hassle or trouble. He sat on his bed; he didn't look at Ron because he was still staring at him in an uncomfortable way.

"So, what happened?" Harry asked casually, hoping to get some answers.

"You… you were…" Ron stuttered out, "You fell off you're broom because lightning hit you and that was it."

Harry searched his mind for a memory of the crash. He remembered a white light. The only thing he remembered after that was a green flash. He thought about it for a moment.

"You don't remember at all?" Ron said nervously.

"No, nothing except white and green light," answered Harry.

The conversation ended there because Nerville came up and told them it was dinnertime. Hermione soon met up with them. They managed to get the hall without much trouble.

As they walked into the hall, people stopped and stared up at them in disbelief. They casually walked to their regular seats. The uncomfortable silence was replaced by chattering and laughing.

They took their spots. The familiar laughing was apparent at the Slytherin table. Most likely, it was Malfoy entertaining Rose with stories about what happened in her absence.

"So you have no idea what happened?" Hermione asked.

Harry shook his head.

"Do you know how you came back?"

He shook his head again before asking, "Why?"

"Well, it not exactly possible for anyone to come back from the dead even with magic," she said nervously.

The conversation stopped there and they continued to talk about other things, but they avoided the delicate subject with much care. In a while, the plates were cleaned and the students sleepy. They made their way back ignoring the many questions. Harry made his way up to his room.

He thought about the conversation they had before. Were they really telling the truth, thought Harry. He kept thinking, he searched his mind looking for clues. All he found was a dead end. Being tired and restless he closed his eyes and slumber over took him.

