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Harry lay awake in the dark room on his bed. Hedwig's cage was empty because earlier that day he had sent Hedwig off to deliver a message to Ron. He could here the soft delicate breathing from his neighboring room.

Rose was sleeping in the next room. Rose and Harry both came to Sirius Black's home on the second day he got the letter. They were to stay until Christmas vacation was over. He closed his eyes trying to get asleep. Sleep finally came to him during the last few hours of the unforgiving nighttime.


Harry awoke to find that it was already well into the new day. He got up, dressed, and went downstairs to find Sirius sitting at the dinning room table. Sirius was reading a newspaper, but he looked up when he heard the footsteps.

"Ah, so you're finally awake," he said with amusement.

"Yeah. What's for breakfast?" Harry replied plainly.

"Bacon, eggs and toast, help yourself."

The conversation ended there as Harry made his way to the kitchen. He filled his plates and got a glass of orange juice. He walked back and sat down.

"So where's Rose?" asked Harry.

"She's up in her room," Sirius replied without looking up from the paper.

Harry ate the rest of his breakfast in silence. He told his godfather that he was going up to his room.

As he pushed open the door of his room, he saw that Hedwig had returned. He smiled to see that she had returned with a letter. He quickly rushed over and untied the letter from her let. Hedwig looked contented and gave a hoot of satisfaction.

He unrolled the parchment and read:

Dear Harry,

Hope you're having a good time at Sirius's. Did you find anything about Rose? Anyways, Hogwarts is merry with Christmas tomorrow and all. Anyways, I have to go! Bye.


Then it hit him. It was Christmas Eve. and tomorrow was Christmas. He decided to give Hedwig all of Ron's and Hermione's presents now to Hedwig after she rested. He waited as he looked out the window. Snow fell and drifted lightly through the cold air onto the already white ground.

He fell back into reality only when Hedwig clicked her beak ready for the packages. He tied two oddly shaped and well-decorated packages onto her leg and opened the window letting in a cold draft of air. He watched as Hedwig flew off, admiring the way that she blended in with her surroundings.

Harry had given Hermione a book about Arithmancy, knowing that she liked the subject so much, and a package of chocolate frogs. He gave Ron a book about his favorite Quidditch Team, the Chudley Cannons, and a bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, remembering how much fun they had with them in their first year.

Harry had managed to get Rose and Sirius a present as well. He got Rose a Broom Servicing Kit because he didn't know what she liked other than Quidditch. He got Sirius a yearly subscription to the Daily Post, knowing that he would like to keep up with the news. These things he hid in his closet under a winter cloak.

He stared out the window again sighing to himself. The world looked peacefully calm and silent as he looked on. The rest of the day crept slowly by. The feast at dinner was gone and Harry found himself on the lush red carpet of the living room sitting in front of the fireplace with Rose drinking hot chocolate while enjoying the peaceful serene.

The fire sparkled and glowed with its own life, twisting and turning as if dancing to unheard music. The warmth of the glow spread over them like the summer days. They had a blanket covered around their backs because of the cold airy drafts, which snuck their way through cracks.

The two of them sat there, almost huddled together, sipping at their dark liquids which floated dreamily in their mugs. The light danced across them in the dark room. There was an unspoken rule of silence lingered between them.

"So you're moving in?" Rose said breaking the silence barrier between them with a simple question.

"Yeah, I guess so," he replied.

"How long did you know?"

Not understanding the answer Harry looked at Rose who shook her head which referred to the next room in which Sirius was writing a letter. After a moment or two, he understood the meaning of this question.

"Ever since the end of last year," Harry said.

She nodded.

"So why did you get transferred from Sunny Day School?" Harry asked wondering if Hermione was right about her in the beginning of the year.

"Sunny Day School?" she asked questionably.

"Well, you were from Sunny Day School before you got transferred to Hogwarts, aren't you?" Harry asked again.

"No, of course not!" She started giggling again. "What made you think that I even went to a pathetic school like that?"

He shrugged. "Well, what school are you from then?"

"Durmstrang," Rose said plainly.

"Oh. Then why did you transfer?"

"Mother didn't like the headmaster of the school very much. So last summer she had a talk with Dumbledore and they agreed to let me transfer here," she said quietly. There was a sad look in her eyes while she spoke.

Harry decided to change the subject and asked, "What's been going on with you and Malfoy?"

"Nothing," she paused for a moment or two staring at him, but seeing that he did not believe the answer. She added, "Well I guess you have noticed he's been falling for me ever since I got here, but other than that nothing."

Harry didn't say anything.

"You aren't jealous are you?" she said with a smile on her lips.

"No," he stated so plainly, that she raised an eyebrow. "But I don't see why anyone would fall for Malfoy."

To Harry's surprise she laughed. After regaining control, she managed to say, "Me? Fall for him?" Then she started laughing again.

Harry felt himself go red, but luckily or unluckily she was still laughing. She brushed some of her hair back with a hand as she took another sip at the hot liquid. She was still shaking with laughter as she drank the hot chocolate, but she choked on a bit and started coughing. "Any other questions?" Rose said sarcastically.

She was still in giggles after a couple of moments. She managed to overcome the laughter within a few more moments.

After a while, they stared into the fire in silence. Rose was the first to break the ice. "So, who do you like?"

"No one," Harry said quickly while he looked down at his cup of hot chocolate.

"You're not really expecting me to believe that, are you?" she said slyly, while looking at him.

He felt himself go red again, but he didn't reply back.

She stared at him for a while before rolling her eyes and sighing.


"Nothing," she said.

"Tell me," Harry said getting annoyed.

She paused and looked at him a bit longer. "I don't see what you like about her?" she said abruptly.

"Like who?" said Harry.

"That Chang brat," Rose said staring directly at him.

He didn't reply back.

"Those little waves and giggles mean absolutely nothing," she said calmly. "She just plays with guys' hearts, before tossing them a side." She stopped to look at his reaction. Harry didn't look to happy so she stopped and changed the subject. "So, when are you born?" she said halfheartedly.

"Why?" Harry looked up at her.

"Nothing, just curious," said Rose without another thought.

"July 31st."

She choked and started coughing. After regaining control she managed to say, "You're kidding?"

"No," Harry said slowly.

"That's the same day I was born."

The only sound heard in the room was the crackling of the fire.

"That's strange," she muttered.

"What is?" said Harry.


The conversation ended there. Soon the fire died away and Harry and Rose fell asleep on the fuzzy, red carpet. Sirius came in from the next room. He smiled as he saw his godson and daughter sleeping in peace back to back to each other keeping a fair distance from one another.

He went into the next room. He came back with some blankets. He laid the blankets on them. Sirius stood by the threshold of the door looking back into the room. He smiled again before leaving to finish off his letter.
