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Kathleen's HuGStory

Oh thank God for this website. I wish it was around when I went through my pregnancy. I am a survivor of HG! It was the worst time of my life-the constant nausea, throwing up, depression. It was worth it now, since I have a beautiful baby boy 8 months old. I started getting sick almost as soon as I conceived; however I just thought it was the flu since I had just had a miscarriage and DNC.I tried everything at first with no luck. I finally went to the hospital after not being able to swallow my own saliva without throwing up. I ended up staying in there for 7 weeks-over the Christmas holidays and the 2000 New Year Celebrations. I remember all my family and friends stopping by one by one in their party outfits ready for a night of fun. It was really hard to watch even though everyone meant well. I had a central line put in and was on a drug called Maxeran and Ranitidine. After being hospitalized since Nov 19 of 1999 I finally was well enough to go home;with much convincing the staff that I could administer the IV drugs at home myself. I was on these medications for 8 months of my pregnancy then I tried the oral meds which seemed to work. I really don't know how I got through it. There was no support at all for this. I really wish the doctors health care professionals would recognize the effect it has on women and give them some counselling during it. I would love my son to have a sibling; however I am petrified of this happening again. Maybe Zofran would be helpful to me-who knows.

I am extremely grateful for my son and wouldn't change anything.

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