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some thoughts regarding "love"


the love i'm talking about here deals specifically with the man-woman love.

um... i often ask this guy friend this simple question:

what is love?

 he's reply has always been the same:

"i don't know, i've never been in love.."

have i been in love?

i often thoughts so...

have i really loved someone?


at least not anyone i've so far met

i've been in love with a image in my mind, all this time..

image of the "him"

and the problem is that i'm always trying

to apply this image to a person i barely know in real life


i abused love, it has abused me

and i'm never gonna find "him"

but it doesn't matter, as long as "he" is in my mind

and i am in love with him..

the earth will still turn if there is no love for me

love is not my purpose to be alive

and i doubt it will be my reason to die

imagination is a beautiful thing..powerful thing

and i did mean it when i told him i loved him..

and i did mean it when i say i would love him forever

love dies, when i find out he is not the one i love

love kinda stinks


more thoughts