Project/Proyecto: Ehekatl
Objective - Objectivos:
Objective 1. Improve Communication Center through implementation and regulation of the Constitution
Objective 2. To have all governing information available for all chapters
Objective 3. Carpool Network
Objective 4. Calendar of Events/Newsletter
Objective 1. Communication Center (Pasadena City College) will will take back information to chapter and report responsibilities
Objective 2. E-Mail and distribute Contact List and M.E.Ch.A. Documents for future use
Objective 3. Carpool Surveys at the end of each Central
Objective 4. Newsletter/Calendar to be released two times a semester
Objective 1. Report on situation by next Central
Objective 2. Begins next Central, ongoing reports
Objective 3. Begins Central of November, ongoing
Objective 4. Submit Calendar of events at December Central for events that fall in January/March of 2000. Newsletter will be done in January 2000.
*All reports will be done at Central of the respective month
C/S L.A.C.M.C.
Responsible Persons/Chapters/Organizing
Area(s) - Responsables:
Objective 1: Mesa Directiva/Internal Coordinator
Objective 2: Communication Center
Objective 3: Mesa Directiva
Objective 4: California State University, Northridge (CSUN) and Central