Project/Proyecto: Izkalotl
Objective - Objectivos:
Objective 1. Increase M.E.Ch.A. Chapters Intersegmentally
Objective 2. Retrats to develop external representatives for leadership, social concencia, and education
Objective 3. Community Involvement
Objective 4. Develop Sub-Committees
Objective 1. Identify schools that have some type of Raza club or M.E.Ch.A.s to incorporate them into M.E.Ch.A. and educate them to M.E.Ch.A. Philosophy and Organizing
Objective 2. Retreat to evaluate Central and develop leadership
Objective 3. Reconnect with community and grass roots organizations that reflect M.E.Ch.A. Philosophy and that are M.E.Ch.A. friendly
Objective 4. Begin dialogue in our Central in regards to sub-committees to implement Constitutional process
Objective 1. Begin in Mid-December - Report at Central of April 2000. Goal of 36 Voting Chapters
Objective 2. Tentative Retreat for May 19th, 20th, and 21st of 2000
Objective 3. Each Chapter begin to work with one Community Based Organization (CBO). Start time in January of 2000 report to Central in July of 2000.
Objective 4. A) Fundraising Committee start in December Central to report back on February 2000.
B) Chicana/o Studies Committee begins December and report back in June of 2000
*All reports will be done at Central of the respective month
C/S L.A.C.M.C.
Responsible Persons/Chapters/Organizing
Area(s) - Responsables:
Objective 1: Los Angeles Valley College and Los Angeles County M.E.Ch.A. Central
Objective 2: Mesa Directiva
Objective 3: Los Angeles County M.E.Ch.A. Central and Mesa Directiva
Objective 4: Area Organizing Commitee