" Come not NEAR fornication ( sex with-out marriage)" Allah (God) said. What can we conclude from this command? And how is the nearness of fornication harmful?
Allan has surly made man or humans ;however, humans are not the only beings that Allah created; He also created a living being called " Jinns" . Allah said that He " Created men and jinns but to worship HIM". Jinns ,as we are told, are not seen by most people; they are here, but we can't see them with our eyes : we can hear them and perceive them in our fillings , heart and mind.
Ever notice a movie? The sad parts will have sad music, and the part causing terror will have music like that as well. Our feelings are affected aren't they? The jinn, some good ,some evil like the devil who is among the jinn race ,and who uses every means that he can to affect the mind, heart and soul of us humans, may really develop a RELATIONSHIP with a person : become his FRIEND, LOVER, SOUL-MATE, or PARTNER in CRIME. HOW is this done. "Say: I seek protection in the Lord of mankind, The King of mankind, The GOD of mankind, From the EVIL of the whisperings of the elusive tempter, Who whispers (evil things) into the hearts of mankind, from among the JINN and the PEOPLE." Allah said in the Qur'an.
So, just as the heart can LOVE good things, it can also Love bad things as well. The heart can Love bad realtionships. Do it really make sence that we should love those who hate us only because we love our CREATOR.?
The jinn and mankind, both surely excise on earth, if both want to behave as Allah has taught us with His truth ;then we must call each other to that truth. My grandmother said' "Right is right and it don,t wrong nobody". If something suggests to you to do wrong, it may be the evil jinn or it may simply be "you" suggesting to you-self to do wrong ; yes we can even tell the jinns or help them to make us excited, emotionally or sexually aroused, up -set, or ever sick if we like. Therefore, by coming- even close to sex with-out ,marriage the jinns around the two people involved, whispers "you know you want her or him" and if we are not very, very strong we will give in to wrong doing.
Life is a reality that records the truth not hide it, and the truth of all thing will surely come back, right back in our Face , and we will not be able to denie it nor speak against it.
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The J O K ER
****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** AN - NUR / The L I G H T....Informative Reading for the SO U L and M I N D***** D U N Y A " The lower level"***** AN-NUR "An on line publication of enlightment, insh'Allah ( God willing). ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************