In the name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful


The joker’s


“If you knew what I know, you would laugh very little”, said Prophet Muhammad (May Allah’s peace be with him).  Joy is certainly needed in everyone’s life ;however, just playing games  with life is not the way  to achieve real joy:  some things  you just don’t play with.  You don’t play with THE CREATOR , ALLAH (God). You don’t play with the life of other people  .  You don’t play with family or right and wrong.  Yes, and there are still many, many other things that could be included in this list of don’ts.  It is not ok to just play with life. Allah said that He didn’t create the heaven and the earth for just FUN and PLAY.

GROW like the flowers

LOVE cuts through the chill, crisp air; Be a part of it.
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Your C r e a t o r has made YOU Beautiful so Be: B E A U T I F U L, Insh'Allah ( God Willing)

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