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                                 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful    



               Liberty and Justice for all....except!!!                          ?


    I used to think that the statue of liberty was a woman , and wondered why a county historically ran by men would have a women as its main symbol ;however, I recently looked more closely and to my awareness  it REALLY LOOKS like a man trying to look like a woman.   Well, that explains it, the muslim men usually ware a beard because this is what our prophet did and suggested we do , but most men in the U.S. don't wear beards , also gay men and woman have greatly increased in every part of this society.  Justice for all has never apparently been a reality but rather a play on words, claming to be one thing while the whole time really promoting something ease. The American people are still very much people of believe in justice (in their hearts) - we have been conditioned to be that way ;however, many are beginning to clearly understand that when the system wants you to have justice it will see that you get it, but when it doesn't the systems tries its best to block it from you.  Allah said honor belongs to the righteous ,and  Allah give victory to whomever He wants to ;therefore justice will certainly be done one way or the other .

       "And verily Judgment and Justice must indeed come to pass.  And lo! The judgment will indeed befall." Allah said in the Qu'ran surah 51 ayah 6.


    It is quite apparent that much of the U.S doesn't know very much about Islam ;therefore respecting our way of life as it relates to justice  may be hard for some.

Nevertheless, rather one knows any thing about Islam or not his heart and soul recognizes truth and good sence when he sees it or hears it.  Judgment is a concept that demands both authority, wisdom and the desire to be just.  It is said that when men are raised form the dead and has to answer for his actions in this life, that Allah will command the angels to drag-out those who were judges it this life , and they will be ask "Who told you to judge " ;therefore it is clear that they should be aware of how they judge others in this world. 


     Justice can be made relative to the times; however, if that is really the best means ;then, an action 20 years ago could not be judged today ,but no, an action  done over 200 years ago can still  be judged today: slavery for Africans was wrong, right!

So, time is really not the foundation for sound judgements.  One should certainly look at the events of that time ,but as my grandmother would always say "Right is right and it don't wrong anybody". So. What or who decides what is right?  Well, who created everything? And, what gives us our right over each other?  It is Allah (God), our

Creator who both created us and by Him we have rights over each other that are protected by Allah.   This is the missing leak in many of our lives ;we don't turn to Allah in times of ease, but when someone wrong us we want justice in our behalf. We still deserve justice if we have been wronged ,but when we do something wrong we are in fact unjust to our-self and our Creator because we are not respecting His position over us.





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