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The Dragon Magick
Book Of Shades


Childs Dragon Blessing
Oh, Child Hear Me
Now In Dragon Power
I Do Ye Endow,
Your Song Will Be
Your Own Special Beam
Oh, You Child Of 
Dragon Dream
Oh, Come Oh, Dragon 
North, South,East,West
Come As Pure Loves
Thrice Times Blest.
Dagger   : Wind Storm  
Staff    : Truth       
Pantacle : Star        
Chalice  : Water       
Wand     : Golden Flame
Stone    : Earth Gem   
Dragon Call
Oh, Hear Me Dragon
Of Crystal Bright.
Oh Great Dragon 
Teach Of The Light.
Be Truth 
Show The Way Light Of Youth
Dragon Plea
Oh Dragon Here,
Of Purest Fire, Full Of Love
Lifting Higher, And Higher

Come To Me,
Oh, Dragon Of Light
Oh, Thou Of Truth
Lift Me Higher, This Hour
Let This Be Our Desire
To Be As One, To Work Together
Deep In Love
And Happy Forever.
Names Of Dragons Ancient And Old

Babalon     23 - 2+3 = 5  - Beast        
Dragon      32 - 3+2 = 5  - Dragon M     
Fafnir      36 - 3+6 = 9  - Dragon S     
Grael       25 - 2+5 = 7  - Dragon N     
Hydra       29 - 2+9 = 11 - Dragon P     
Ladon       19 - 1+9 = 10 - Dragon       
Leviatan    30 - 3+0 = 3  - Dragon P     
Naelyan     27 - 2+7 = 9  - Dragon W     
Nicor       32 - 3+2 = 5  - Dragon M     
Sairys      28 - 2+8 = 10 - Dragon E     
Seth        16 - 1+6 = 7  - Dragon P     
Tiamat      19 - 1+9 = 10 - Mother Dragon
Vovin       28 - 2+8 = 10 - Dragon M     
Tlazolteotl 41 - 4+1 = 5                 
Raxor       31 - 3+1 = 4  - Dragon P     
The Number Of Raxor And Robin Are 31 And
If Cut Down Equals 4 A Balance Number.
I Also Think Raxor Is A Dragon Of 
Spiritual And Psyhical Nourishment.

[ M = It Means ]    [ P = It Possibly Is ]   [ E = Elemental Dragon ]

Divine Love
Oh, Dragon Great
Oh, Dragon Shine
Oh, Sweet Love
Most Divine
Onward We Fly,
Into The Sun.
Our Hearts Beating
Together As One.
Servants Call
Oh, Harken Dragon
Hear My Call,
To Come To Serve You,
Your Servant Calls
Oh, Great Dragon
Of Light Most Pure
May Only Our 
Truth [must] Endure
 Circle For Calling In The Elemental Dragons
And The Dragon Spirit You Wish To Call
Calling Sairys
Oh, Sairys
Oh, Dragon Most Fair
Come To Me,
Oh, Great Ruler 
Of Great Sky And Air
Oh, Sairys
Great Royal One,
Come From The Sky
Where Dwelleth The Sun

Calling Fafnir
Oh, Fafnir
Oh, Great Dragon Of Fire
Your Heat So Warm
Oh, Great Dragon,
Royal Ruler Of Flame
I Call Ye From 
A Place Of Warmth
Oh, Fafnir
I Call Ye Forth
Calling Naelyan
Oh, Naelyan
Oh, Great One
Great Ruler Of Water
Oh, Royal One
Come As Tides 
Of Grand Power
I Call Ye This Hour
Calling Grael
Oh, Rise,
Oh, Mighty Towering Royal Grael
Dragon Of Earth, Mice And Men
I Call Ye Now
As The Ancients Did Then,
I Call Ye Upon The World Of Men
Rise, Come
Dragon Of Earth.
Calling Raxor
Oh, Rise Raxor
Dragon Of Great. 
Nourishing Light
Oh, Come, Oh Raxor
Rise This Spirit 
Into Great Light
I Call Ye With The Power Grand
Lighten My Soul, 
In The Dragon Lands
Come, Raxor 
Bringing The Rain
Oh, Dragons Of Waters, Hear My
Plea, Bring Us Your Rains
For Harvest Prosperity.
Oh Hear Me, I Call Thee So
That Life To My Harvest
And Crops May Grow.
Rain Stopping Spell By Dragon Power

Oh, Dragons Of Great Water Power
Ease Your Flow This Desperate Hour
Save Mine Most Dear,
Oh, Mighty Dragons,
Take The Floods From Here
Let The Sun Shine Here.
Burn Healing Spell
Oh Dragon, Oh He Of Ice
Cool Mine Pain,
I Bless Thee Thrice
May I Heal Clear And True
Oh, Dragon, May The Light Blesseth You
Dragon Invocation
Call Ye Fire, I Call Ye Flame
Come Dragon,Come Dragon 
holy/Great Is You Name
Song Of Songs To Be Yours
My Life I Offer, 
That Wisdom Shall Endure
Come Sweet Dragon, Thine Love That Is Pure
Dragon, Work Through Me, Make My Life Pure
Our Loving Union Be Made All That Is Pure.
And Good. In The Name Of God, 
I Ask That All Be Understood
General Healing, Asking Dragons To Heal

Oh, Dragons Of Earth, Wind, Water, And Fire
Heal "Place Or Person, To Be Healed"
In Thy Purifying Light, Be Gone All Pain
Dragons True, Oh Dragons Bright
Creator Be With You.
Life Spell, For He Of The Dragon

Oh, Hear Me Dragon Of Light
Bless This Life And Make It Bright
Teach Me, Things Of You
To Make My Life, Shining And True


Spell For The Safe Return Of A Stolen Loved One

Oh, Dragons Of Light,
Oh, Dragons Of Love,
Bring Safe Back To Me
My Stolen Love.
May It's Capters Learn
The Folly Of Their Ways
Bring Him/Her Back To Me
In Three Moons Or Days.
Spell / Charm For Snakebites

Oh, Kings Of Dragons. Hear My Words
May This Poison Be Gone From Me
Oh, Mighty Dragon Protect Me.


Dragon Kings  I Think As On This Point I'm Unsure

Raxor    --- Earth  (rax-or)     OR (rax-ohr)
Abelyan  --- Water  (ah-bel-yon) OR (ah-bal-yan)
Rinor    --- Fire   (Rin-nor)    OR (rie-nor)
Setra    --- Air    (Set-tra)    OR (Seth-tra)


Calling In The Four Dragons
Sairys  - Sky Quarter (East)

Guardian: (Makes Opening Sign)
Dragon Brothers Assist Me To Open The Door To The East
Before Us Are The Doors Of Golden Sun 
That Leads To The Light Of The Sun Of Father Sky  
Knock The Doors 6 Times With Staff 
And Say: Dragon Brothers The Doors Are Open And
We May Call On Sairys Of Sky And Sun
All: Hail To The Dragon Kindgom, On Soft Tender Wings Goes He/Me/I
Fafnir - Fire Quarter (South)

Guardian: (Makes Opening Sign)
Dragon Brothers Assist Me To Open The Door To The South
Before Us Are The Bronze Doors Of Primal Fire
That Leads To The Cleansing Light  
Knock The Doors 6 Times With Staff 
And Say: Dragon Brothers The Doors Are Open And
We May Call On Fafnir The Warrior Dragon Of Power
All: Hail To The Dragon Kindgom, On Soft Tender Wings Goes He/Me/I

Nealyan - Water Quarter (West)

Guardian: (Makes Opening Sign)
Dragon Brothers Assist Me To Open The Door To The West
Before Us Are The Doors Of Silvery Moon
That Leads To Recieving Of Truth And Wisdom Of Love 
Knock The Doors 6 Times With Staff 
And Say: Dragon Brothers The Doors Are Open And
We May Call On Naelyan Of Waters And Seas
All: Hail To The Dragon Kindgom, On Soft Tender Wings Goes He/Me/I
Grael - Earth Quarter (North)

Guardian: (Makes Opening Sign)
Dragon Brothers Assist Me To Open The Door To The North
Before Us Are The Marble Doors Of Earthly Wisdom
That Leads To Renewal Of The Life Of Mother Earth 
Knock The Doors 6 Times With Staff 
And Say: Dragon Brothers The Doors Are Open And
We May Call On Grael Of Earth And Mountains
All: Hail To The Dragon Kindgom, On Soft Tender Wings Goes He/Me/I
Dragon Bonding Ritual
[No Context Of Eros]

Draw Circle, Enter Circle Then, Cast It, 
[Add Circle Protection Ritual]

Chant The Following: 

Rise, Oh Dragon Light Of Sun, Bind Us With Love, 
Shinging Like The Sun, Light Of Love Shine, 
Oh Dragon Divine 

Tap Staff Thrice On The Ground At Each Quarter 
In The Following Order E,S,W,N, Now.. 

Chant The Following: 

Harken, Dragons, I Call In Light 
Divine Dragons Bearers Of Light Teach Me Magick, 
Love Honor And Truth I Await Your Guidence, 
Dragons Of Light And Truth
NB: Do Not Chant Harken,Drah-Ken
Magick Chanting Sounding Key

A = AH     B = BEH   C = SEE   Please For Your Own Sanity
D = D-EH   E = EH    F = EF    And Magickal Safty DO NOT
G = G-UH   H = H-UR  I = EE    Use Unless You Have Communion
J = J-EH   K = K-UR  L = LUR   With Your Dragon/Angel Or
M = M-UH   N = N-UH  O = OH    You Might Get Youself In The 
P = P-UH   Q = Q-UH  R = R-UH  In The Most "REAL" DANGER!!
S = SSSS   T = T-UH  V = VEH  
W = W-UH   Y = Y-EH  Z = Z-EH
Dragon Encryption Code
As It Changes From Word To Word
It Is Only It Be Explained With This Example

BAD ROT NA GAS NO ON  = The Word Dragon
The Code Key For This Is 312122
Fun Bit
Shave Your Little Fluffy Leg's,
And Shake Your Little Hide,
Listen To Everthing,
Orgazmin Never Dies,

Cook Your Fluffy Fairy Cakes
And Paint Your Little Lips
Kiss Your Little Dinosaur
The Captain Of A Ship

Dragonic Mantra's To Try

Wah-Ooom - Mah-Ooom
Oomm-Wah - Mooo-Ha-hw
Wah-Omm Wah-Omm Wah-Ay-Yah
Wah-Omm Wah-Omm Wah-Kay-Ah
Note: Updated From 2001 in 2022