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Dragon Magic, Is Not The Path For Everyone,
If I Have Give Anyone This Impression, I Am Sorry
Dragon Magick Is A Form Of High Magic, And Can Be
Very Dangerous To The Inexperienced, Practictioner
Thats The Warning Delt With, Enjoy My Site....

Dragon Blessing To All

To Answer Some Comments, I Have Got From People
I Am Alone As A Dragon Worker And Have, No Teacher
So My Approuch May Not Be The Norm

Additional Text 2022

Please bear in mind once the Dragons decide to make a connection with
you it's an act that Cannot be undone, this is for life so before you
start on this path please consider the fact that you'll be working with
each other and they'll always be with you but this path will not be easy
but you will learn so much.

Note: Updated From 2001 in 2022