Hi! My name is Augustus Fuzzpustle; this is my cat2cat page. I'm a fourteen year old, 12 lb. kitty. I like to play with my toy mousie
and sleep seventeen hours per day. I also love to have my belly scritched and any other form of attention that I can get! I have one sister - her name is Hook.
She really thinks that she is the ruler of our abode...and...I suppose she really is. Oh well, I'm pretty happy being second in charge. My favorite food is canned cat food (preferably Amore') and my favorite snack is fresh home grown chives.
My daddy sure gets upset when I eat too many snacks because I hurl on the rug or couch. I share my mom's attitude about my mishaps - GET OVER IT! If you come to visit me here in Houston, don't be surprised if I remain hiding under a bed. I'm a true fraidy cat. Don't forget to join my Cat2Cat Web Ring.