Warm colored birds feed often blue jays scream for food other birds fly away quick ________________________________________________________
_________ Red Cardinal hits head hard Perhaps self defense From the transluscent double ________________________________________________________
_________ chikadees feed in small groups Males have brighter Gold And outnumber the brown girls ________________________________________________________
_________ Racoons nightly empty food refilled by morning 9 o'clock means time to eat ________________________________________________________
_________ Have yet to see humming birds blur thier wings with speed Drawn to red and feed sideways ________________________________________________________
_________ Mocking bird swings from roof-top Wings spread out like bat Valuable trick for seed ________________________________________________________
_________ Water drips, keeping bath full But they only eat fat smelly birds ignore health ________________________________________________________
_________ moth hovoring over bush with quickness bird lunges and flies off to savor catch ________________________________________________________
_________ New small robin not picky All seeds are eaten Regulars spit out poor seeds ________________________________________________________
_________ Woodpecker takes break from tree perfers bugs than seeds Must be having a bad day ________________________________________________________
_________ Child blue jay not as agressive Though picky with seeds Maybe its not a blue jay ________________________________________________________
_________ Shelter on small bird feeder keeps birds in the shade make sure thier wax wings don't melt ________________________________________________________
_________ Family frees raised ducks to lake Child knows names of each Lake trip, they answer by names. ________________________________________________________
_________ Tree branch bends at bird's landing stable feet hold tight How does he not fall off yet? ________________________________________________________
_________ A small sparrow feeds alone quick movements in fear but today we're all friends here. ________________________________________________________
_________ chipmunk sneaks up to feeder black bird is cautious i still want my hula-hoop.
______ Insects mimic bird's movement seeds are far too large and flowers are prettier ________________________________________________________
_________ sparrows eat in large feeder next to cardinal dirty looks but no fighting